Level Up: A5E Starship Builder

Choose ship GRADE!

Choose ship TYPE!
[+ Select PROPULSION...]
Impulse Speed

FTL Speed Impulse speed is required. FTL capability is optional.

[+ Select SHIELDS & ARMOR...]
Protection (%) Recharge Rate

Protection is measured in temporary hit points as a percentage of the ship's total hit points. Shields are restored each round on a roll of the recharge rate or higher on 1d6.

Armor adds the ship's grade to its armor class.

[+ Choose DECKS...]
You must have at least one bridge and at least one engineering deck, but these do not cost you anything and do not count towards your maximum number of decks.

Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Max Decks 2 4 6 10 20 50 100 200 500 1,000

A bridge is required. You may may have additional (backup) bridges.

Cargo Holds
A cargo hold deck has a capacity equal to 100 tons times the ship's grade. Multiple cargo holds can be combined into larger holds.

An engineering deck is required. You may have additional (backup) engineering decks.

A hangar deck can contain and dock a number of starfighters equal to the capital ship’s grade (or 10 times its grade if it is a carrier). Multiple hangers can be combined to create larger hangars.

Leisure Decks

Medical Bays

Mining Hauls

Operations Centers

Passenger Decks
This deck provides accommodation for a number of passengers equal to the ship’s minimum crew requirement.

Science Bays

Weapons Decks
A weapon deck has one or more weapon systems linked to it.


[+ Select WEAPONS...]
Point Defences
Point defenses (light) (min grade 0)

Point defenses (medium) (min grade 2)

Point defenses (heavy) (min grade 5)
Cannon (light) (min grade 0)

Cannon (medium) (min grade 2)

Cannon (heavy) (min grade 5)
Superweapon (light) (min grade 3)

Superweapon (medium) (min grade 6)

Superweapon (heavy) (min grade 7)
Torpedo (single) (min grade 0)

Torpedo (dual salvo) (min grade 0)

Torpedo (mass salvo) (min grade 2)
Weapon Batteries
Weapon battery (light) (min grade 1)

Weapon battery (medium) (min grade 3)

Weapon battery (heavy) (min grade 5)
Minelayer (single)

Minelayer (dual salvo)

Minelayer (mass salvo)
Mecha Melee Weapons
Mecha melee weapon (light)

Mecha melee weapon (medium)

Mecha melee weapon (heavy)

HMS Ulysses

Grade 1 Cargo Ship (2,550 cr)

The sturdy backbone of any respectable spacefaring civilization, what these ships lack in flashiness they more than make up for in dependability, powering through the worst the void has to deliver their cargo on time.
Crew 2/4; Passengers 0; Prestige Bonus +0
Size 100-200 ft; Supply 30 (1/day); Cargo 0 tons
Officers Available Engineer, Navigator, Security Officer
Gear Available Clothing, Containers, General Gear


HP 200
AC 16; Shields 25% (50); Recharge medium (5); Hacking DC 12
Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
Damage Resistances
Damage Immunities poison and psychic damage
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, confused, deafened, fatigued, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, slowed, strife, stunned, unconscious


Impulse Speed Average (6)
FTL Speed 4
STR 30 (+10) DEX 15 (+2.5) CON 30 (+10) WIS 10 (+0)

Decks & Systems

Decks Bridge (1), Engineering (1),
Systems Lander,

Weapon Mounts

  • None

Special Properties

  • Lander. This ship is capable of landing on a planetary surface.
  • Earnings. Cargo ships are designed to make money. Every time the ship enters a new Region, unless it is flying stealthily or avoiding contact, the ship generates 100 credits.