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Submitted by Morrus on Sun, 02/09/2025 - 16:28

This gauntlet fits over the wrist, binding tightly with cords of leather, and one side of it is adorned with a winged silver contraption that has a taut wire connected on the ends and set perpendicular to the bracer. When you take the Attack action using this weapon, you may choose to attack with disadvantage until the start of your next turn to make two additional ranged weapon attacks.

Wooden Stake

Submitted by Morrus on Sat, 02/08/2025 - 15:57

This simple weapon uses the statistics of a dagger, but any vampire reduced to 0 hit points with it is permanently destroyed. It is made of wood.


Submitted by Morrus on Sat, 02/08/2025 - 15:27

When a revolver is loaded, it holds up to 6 bullets. The revolver only needs to be loaded after all of its ammunition has been fired. Loading a revolver (which holds 6 bullets) requires an action. A revolver can be used to make one ranged attack per bullet loaded into it.

Ratcheting crossbow

Submitted by Morrus on Sat, 02/08/2025 - 15:26

This crossbow has a large winding wheel affixed to its drawstring which feeds into extra machinery along the stock that catches and pulls the string back again after it is fired. Winding a ratcheting crossbow for a single bolt requires a bonus action or action, and it can be wound to prepare two bolts. Masterwork ratcheting crossbows can be prepared to fire up to four bolts, or be constructed smaller (with statistics like a hand crossbow).