Throughout various Level Up rulebooks, there are numerous examples of unique named monsters--whether they be the names of Great Wyrm dragons, the rulers of the lower planes, or noteworthy dread knights and archliches.
To help you keep track of these unique beings, we have… more
The three new combat traditions from the Voidrunner's Codex have now been added to the tools site.
These include Ace Starfighter… more
We have a new page for Destinies, and have also added the three new Voidrunner Destinies:… more
The core voidrunner heritages from the… more
Following the addition of the five Voidrunning classes, all 25 of the character archetypes from the Voidrunner's Codex have now been added to the Archetypes… more
The five classes from the Voidrunner's Codex have now been added to the site. These include the psion, psyknight,… more
We have added the content from Gate Pass Gazette Issue #25 (from March 2024). Wield the cultural gear of those both rural and urban, walk in fear of the Everficer and her Direnaut aide, celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring, or simply lean into the bizarre with three new… more
All of the psionic powers from the Voidrunner's Codex have now been added to the site.
You can find them all here.
We have added the content from Gate Pass Gazette Issue #24 (from February 2023). Begin from the humbles of origins to aspire to greatness, tap into the depths of your prodigious intellect, head beneath the nearest bridge to parlay with the trollkin, or learn the darkest secrets of the… more
We have added the content from Gate Pass Gazette Issue #23 (from January 2023). Wield the cultural gear of those always on the move, be stared into by the reflection of your darkest self with the shadowcast, gleefully set for on medium-sized mounts with smaller riders, or step into the… more