A Symbol That Strikes Fear
All vigilantes eventually become symbols, and you are a legend that strikes fear into the hearts of those that would stand against you. Creatures with a CR lower than your a…
Equipped for Justice
Adventurer's Guide
Ace Driver
You are a virtuoso of driving and piloting vehicles, able to push them beyond their normal limits and maneuver them with fluid grace through hazardous situations. You gain the…
Proficiency with a type of vehicle
Adventurer's Guide
Adamantine Protector
Now when you enshroud yourself with divine metal you can feel the strength of it in your very bones. Whenever you use your Metal Skin feature with a spell slot of 3rd-level or…
Steel Protector
Gate Pass Gazette
Albian Hillrunner
The lands of Albia are not for the faint of heart, the very ground quickly shifting between difficult and dangerous. Even established roads are prone to bandits, sudden change…
To Save A Kingdom
Allesund Courtier
You have befriended or impressed one of Allesund’s nobles, earning you the services of one of their most trusted advisors. Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1, to a m…
Noble background or the favor of a noble
To Save A Kingdom
Alley Adventurer
You’ve had your fair share of rough and tumble experiences in back alleys, sewers, and other urban environs.
You have advantage on Investigation and Perception checks mad…
Gate Pass Gazette
Alpha Wereboar
You have completely mastered the boar within. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue . When you choose to tame the beast in an involuntar…
Gate Pass Gazette
Amped Up
You can leverage technology to amplify your performances. You gain the following benefits:
When one of your spell inventions would , you may immediately expend a spell slot…
Audio Engineer
Gate Pass Gazette
Arcanum Master
With a wellspring of magic flowing from their veins and a divine understanding of all magic, the mystic arcanist can reorder magic to suit their will. Whenever you cast a spel…
Pure Arcanist
Adventurer's Guide
Arctech Tinkerer
You are proficient in the Engineering skill and either smith’s tools or tinker’s tools.
Choose one gadget from the list available to the Gadgeteer fighter. You have a basic…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Arrow Enchanter
Skilled eldritch archers can subvert their arcane power to enchant the conjured arrows with rings of eldritch symbols and energy that form around their weapons as they fire.…
Eldritch Archer
Adventurer's Guide
Your enhanced physical training grants you the following benefits:
Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
When you are , standing up uses onl…
Adventurer's Guide
Always aware of your surroundings, you gain the following benefits:
When rolling initiative you gain a +5 bonus.
You can only be surprised if you are unconscious . A cre…
Adventurer's Guide
Audio Engineer
You can craft customized instruments to enhance your performances. You gain the following benefits:
Your Intelligence or Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.…
3 levels in
, 3 levels in
Gate Pass Gazette
Battle Caster
You’re comfortable casting, even in the chaos of battle.
You gain a 1d6 expertise die on concentration checks to maintain spells you have cast.
While wielding weapons an…
The ability to cast at least one spell of 1st-level or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Bladechanting is the art of unifying and maintaining intense physical and intellectual strains, allowing movement and thought to become one as a beautiful and deadly dance o…
3 levels in fighter, 3 levels in wizard, Fighting Style (Two-Weapon Fighting)
Adventurer's Guide
Boundless Mind
Your mental prowess reaches incredible heights and lesser minds are as open to you as a tavern’s door. You can spend 2 exertion points to cast detect thoughts without the need…
Mental Mastery
Gate Pass Gazette
Brazen Smuggler
Many people smuggle banned goods, invasive plant life, or dangerous creatures between locations, but you’ve learned some additional tricks. You gain the following benefits:…
Voidrunner's Codex
Bronze Protector
Though learning how to harness your divine power was rigorous and involved a great deal of suffering, you have learned to transform some of it into a shining second skin tha…
3 levels in fighter, 3 levels in herald
Gate Pass Gazette
Brook No Delay
You move through a battlefield with inspiring grace. As long as you’re not encumbered or wearing heavy armor, you gain the following benefits.
You have a climb speed equal…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Brutal Attack
After making a , you may reroll any weapon damage and choose the better result. This feat can be used no more than once per turn.
Adventurer's Guide
Bull Rush
Your headlong rush devastates your foes.
After dashing (with the Dash Action) at least ten feet towards a foe, you may perform a bonus action to select one of the following o…
Adventurer's Guide
Bullet Bender
Experienced psi troopers can psionically will their weapons into finding their marks, curving bullets, lasers, and blades. Whenever you make a weapon attack you can spend a ps…
Psi Trooper
Voidrunner's Codex
City Survivor
You’re used to eking out a living in urban environments, finding ways to scrounge and scavenge everything you need to survive.
Raise your Dexterity or Wisdom attribute by…
Gate Pass Gazette
Combat Thievery
You know how to trade blows for more than inflicting harm.
You gain proficiency with the Deceptive Stance and Painful Pickpocket maneuvers, and do not have to spend exert…
Adventurer's Guide
Covert Operative
You specialize in working undercover. You gain the following benefits:
Your Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can prepare a and perf…
3 levels in
, 3 levels in
Gate Pass Gazette
Covert Training
You have absorbed some of the lessons of the world of spies, criminals, and others who operate in the shadows. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with…
Adventurer's Guide
Crafting Expert
You have devoted time to studying and practicing the art of crafting, gaining the following benefits:
Choose one of the following types of crafted item: armor, engineered…
Adventurer's Guide
Crawling Teleporter
Not only does your ability to step between reality’s folds become as easy as walking, your control over this unique power becomes so complete that you can place the ground b…
Teleporting Combatant
Gate Pass Gazette
Crossbow Expertise
Crossbows are lethal in your hands.
Crossbows you wield do not have the loading quality.
You do not suffer disadvantage when attacking creatures adjacent to you.
If you…
Adventurer's Guide
Curse Bearer
Your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can transfer your curse to others. When you damage a living creature with your bite …
Alpha Wereboar
Eye of the Tiger
Rodent Embraced
, or
Werebear Emerged
Gate Pass Gazette
You create a strong sympathetic bond with cybernetics that you have installed. You gain the following benefits.
Your Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.…
Voidrunner's Codex
Cybersecurity Agent
You are the nightmare of most hackers, and gain the following benefits:
Your Charisma or Wisdom increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
When opposing a hacking attempt you inc…
Voidrunner's Codex
Your natural talent or skill makes you lethal with a ranged weapon.
You gain proficiency with the Farshot Stance and Ricochet maneuvers, and do not have to spend exertion…
8th level or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Your lightning reflexes make you hard to hit.
You may expend your reaction to increase your AC by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus against an attack targeting you…
Dexterity 13 or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Destiny's Call
You are more in tune with the nature of who you truly are and what you can become.
An ability score of your choice increases by 1.
When you gain inspiration through your…
Adventurer's Guide
Dimensional Step
Throughout the process of honing your body and mind, your keen senses revealed folds within the very firmament of reality—anomalies that you have learned how to exploit to m…
3 levels in adept, 3 levels in rogue
Gate Pass Gazette
Display of Heroism
You unfortunately have great experience rescuing allies on the battlefield. As a bonus action, you can choose one or two bloodied creatures within 10 feet of you, potentiall…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Divine Orator
Proclaimers can use their oration skills to spread their version of ultimate truth into even the most stubborn of acolytes.
You learn the Divine Inspiration and Persuasive…
Adventurer's Guide
Divine Spark
You have discovered the intrinsic link between divinity and artifice. You gain the following benefits:
Your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.…
3 levels in
, 3 levels in
Gate Pass Gazette
Docker's Jank
In a band every musician has to know their bandmates’ parts in case they need to switch places or pick up the slack. Choose up to four allies; you may change your chosen all…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Drone Master
Not content with a single robot assistant, you’ve managed to rig up a complex control system for an entire swarm of machines. You gain the following benefits:
Your Intellig…
Voidrunner's Codex
Dual Pistols
You can wield pistols in both hands at the same time. Simple, one-handed light firearms gain the dual-wielding property while you use them.
Voidrunner's Codex
Dual-Wielding Expert
You are a whirlwind of steel.
Wielding a weapon in each hand grants you a +1 bonus to AC.
You may dual-wield any two weapons without the two-handed quality.
You can sheat…
Adventurer's Guide
You’ve honed your senses to subterranean danger and opportunity.
You have advantage on checks made to detect hidden openings, passages, or doors.
You have advantage on s…
Adventurer's Guide
Eldritch Archer
Eldritch archers combine the precision and skill of a with the magical dedication of a to perform otherwise impossible feats of archery and spellcasting. You gain the foll…
3 levels in fighter, 3 levels in wizard, Fighting Style (Archery)
Adventurer's Guide
Eldritch Volley Master
With the string drawn taught, your rings of eldritch symbols form arrows of pure magic able to assail a whole platoon at once.
Whenever you cast a spell with a Cone area, you…
Arrow Enchanter
Adventurer's Guide
Eldritch Whirlwind Master
With a blade’s sweep you pull and spin the arcane power, surrounding yourself in a cyclone of arcane energy as your spell's power tries to match the speed of your sword.
Whirling Incantor
Adventurer's Guide
Elite Hacker
Your skill and deftness with code is amazing, and you gain the following benefits:
When you initiate a contested hack you may attempt to also make an Intelligence check to…
Voidrunner's Codex
You have a heightened awareness of the feelings and motivations of those around you.
Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1.
You gain an expertise die on Insight c…
Adventurer's Guide
Equipped for Justice
A vigilante is prepared for anything, and in your hands common pieces of equipment become tools of your unique brand of justice.
You gain the following benefits:
You gai…
Adventurer's Guide
Espionage Expert
Your long and varied career has taught you much in the way of spycraft. You gain the following benefit:
Choose three of the following feats: , , , , , or . You gain all of…
Secret Agent
Gate Pass Gazette
Explosive Disembark
Your custom mech has a fusion core that can be used as a powerful explosive in emergencies. As an action you can safely doff your custom mecha armor and eject yourself 60 feet…
Targeting Scrutiny
Voidrunner's Codex
Expression of Belief
Your philosophy can affect reality. You are proficient in and Dwarvish.
Additionally, choose one of the following philosophies and gain its associated feature.
You can…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Eye of the Tiger
You have completely mastered the tiger within. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue . When you choose to tame the beast in an involunta…
Striped Soul
Gate Pass Gazette
Face in the Crowd
You have a knack for blending into a crowd.
If you enter or start your turn in a crowd of creatures with which you share a creature type, you are considered unseen to cre…
Gate Pass Gazette
Familiar to the Watch
Whether you’re a former member of the constabulary or you’ve just had your share of run-ins with the city guards, you’ve developed a familiarity with how law enforcement ten…
Gate Pass Gazette
Fast Hands
Hours of training have given you exceptionally fast hands, granting you the following benefits:
You may reload or load a light firearm or caster once per turn without using…
Voidrunner's Codex
Fear Breaker
You have a habit of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with the Victory Pose maneuver and do not have to spe…
Adventurer's Guide
Festung Apprentice
The practitioners of the darkest arcane arts in Elissar work spells that press upon the boundaries of the realms material, and those within the Festung are the only users of m…
Power Caster
, proficiency in Arcana
To Save A Kingdom
Festung Mage
Within the bowels of the Festung are grimoires and tomes only the most dedicated mages are allowed to access, the teachings inside of such import and danger that even their ex…
Festung Apprentice
To Save A Kingdom
Fate seems to smile on you when you need it most.
You gain 3 fate points. Whenever you make an , , or and do not have , you may spend a fate point to roll an additional d20…
Adventurer's Guide
Frozen Steps
With little more than a thought you can project an arctic chill in front of you to propel yourself through the world. You can use a bonus action to spend 2 sorcery points an…
Gate Pass Gazette
Game Theorist
You know how to obscure your intentions while setting in place subtle strategies to confound your foes. You gain the following benefits:
You gain an with board games.
Strategic Thinker
Gate Pass Gazette
Go To Eleven
You can use technology to push the power of your spells far beyond their normal limits. You gain the following benefit:
Once per long rest, you may choose a spell you have…
Amped Up
Gate Pass Gazette
Go to Ground
You gain proficiency in Nature.
Your trips and tribulations bond you with the environment. When you are prone , attacks against you don’t have advantage . (A character can…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
You know how to choose the perfect moment to launch all of your carefully constructed plans into action. You gain the following benefits:
You gain an with board games and…
Game Theorist
Gate Pass Gazette
You’ve developed the skills necessary to hold your own in close-quarters grappling. You gain the following benefits:
You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature…
Strength 13 or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Guarded Warrior
You punish foes that try to target your allies.
Your successful reduce a creature’s speed to 0 until the end of the turn.
You may use your reaction to make a melee atta…
Adventurer's Guide
Haleg Scepen
You can harness a sliver of the divine power that brought creation into being. You gain the following benefits:
You learn the and cantrips and they do not count toward yo…
Divine Spark
Gate Pass Gazette
Hand of Retribution
You gain proficiency in and Elvish.
Once per month you can cast without components, but only to contact Vekeshi mystics you are aware of.
In battle, a vestige of the pow…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Harbinger Of Things To Come
Your visions of the future are unclear, but by your word these omens can mean hope or despair.
You learn the Preach Despair and Preach Hope battle hymns. These special batt…
Divine Orator
Adventurer's Guide
Hardy Adventurer
You can endure punishment that would break lesser beings.
Your maximum hitpoint total gains a bonus equal to twice your character level, increasing by 2 for each level yo…
Adventurer's Guide
Heavily Outfitted
You have learned to fight in heavy armor
Raise your Strength attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
Learn the heavy armor proficiency.
Proficiency with medium armor
Adventurer's Guide
Heavy Armor Expertise
Plate and chain are your fortress.
Raise your Strength attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
You reduce incoming physical (piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning) d…
Proficiency with heavy armor
Adventurer's Guide
Heraldic Training
You have studied the specialized techniques used by the divine agents known as heralds. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency in your choice of one martia…
Adventurer's Guide
Hibernating Affliction
Your control over the ursine spirit within yourself improves. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain…
New Moon Werebear
Gate Pass Gazette
Hidden Armorer
You become particularly adept at altering weapons to better hide them on your person and at sneaking them past most guards. This alteration may consist of flattening out a b…
Proficiency with Stealth
Gate Pass Gazette
Hinterland Drifter
Journeying through the unforgiving Hinterlands has made you a hardy traveler, as well as an expert on dealing with the orcs that call it home. Whether you are merely a tolerat…
Charisma 13 or higher
To Save A Kingdom
Hot Rodder
Whether it’s rebuilding vehicles from scrap or upgrading new ones, you’re as good with a wrench as you are behind the wheel. You gain the following benefits:
Your Intellige…
Voidrunner's Codex
Hotshot Pilot
Your daring and mastery of starfighter combat make you a legend. You gain the following benefits:
Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
When piloting a s…
Ace Starfighter combat tradition
Voidrunner's Codex
Howl at the Moon
Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can speak with animals (as the spell) of the same type as your curse (bears for a wereboar, boars for a wereboar, and s…
Hibernating Affliction
Pack Initiate
Rat Within
Striped Soul
, or
Gate Pass Gazette
Howling Sledder
You have become an expert dog sledder—perhaps taught by one of the Steam Striders of Skappa—and are superb at both caring for your hardworking dogs and your vehicle. You gain…
Proficiency with land vehicles
To Save A Kingdom
Rage sets a apart from other warriors and makes them monoliths of combat able to withstand incredible punishment—but it can also be a source of tremendous might. You have d…
3 levels in berserker, 3 levels in fighter
Gate Pass Gazette
In the depths of your heart there is a chill you have learned how to truly harness, turning your deep connection to the cold to manifest it around yourself. You gain the Ice…
3 levels in adept, 3 levels in sorcerer, Manifestation (Blizzard)
Gate Pass Gazette
Idealistic Leader
The strength of your principles inspires others to follow you with impressive dedication that makes up for whatever your stronghold lacks. You gain the following benefits:…
Adventurer's Guide
Imago Dei
You know the secret to creating life from inanimate material. You gain the following benefit:
You learn the spell, but the material component is replaced with 10 gold wort…
Haleg Scepen
Gate Pass Gazette
Impossibly Hulking
There are countless legends speaking of warriors as mighty as you, their weaponry cast away in their fury and replaced by trees or boulders.
When you enter a rage, you can sp…
Tremendously Hulking
Gate Pass Gazette
Improvisational Genius
Where other people see useless scraps, you see integral parts to ingenious devices. You gain the following benefits.
You gain an on all Engineering checks.
You can take r…
Gate Pass Gazette
Infectious Thinker
Like a sculptor at the clay you reshape the thoughts of others or perhaps more like the patient zero of some cognitive virus your underhanded thoughts spread to those around y…
Thought Feaster
Voidrunner's Codex
You have all the tools needed for clandestine missions. You gain the following benefits:
Your Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can u…
3 levels in
, 3 levels in
Gate Pass Gazette
Ingenious Training
You have learned to always keep an ace up your sleeve. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with your choice of improvised weapons, one language, or one to…
Gate Pass Gazette
Intelligence Officer
Your mind is equipped to crack any problem. You gain the following benefits:
Your Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can prepare a an…
3 levels in
, 3 levels in
Gate Pass Gazette
Intrepid Trekker
Unable to really focus on a single activity and favoring a split focus, you may choose two Journey Activities for a given region, but gain 1 level of fatigue if both activitie…
Ace Starfighter combat tradition
Voidrunner's Codex
You’ve trained your powers of observation to nearly superhuman levels.
Raise your Intelligence or Wisdom attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
You can read lips…
Adventurer's Guide
Inventive Engineer
If you take the Repair journey activity on a starship you can instead augment its abilities in one of the following ways:
The ship’s shield modulator is improved, granting…
Voidrunner's Codex
Ironfall Seafarer
Quelling any trace of seasickness, rubbing elbows with pirates and sailors alike, and fully acclimating to the seafaring lifestyle has gained you the following benefits.
● Yo…
To Save A Kingdom
Item Intuition
You recognize the use of strange artifacts immediately and can intuitively grasp how they function. You gain the following benefits:
Your Intelligence score increases by 1,…
Gate Pass Gazette
Keen Intellect
Your mind is a formidable weapon.
Raise your Intelligence attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
With perfect clarity, you can recall anything that you’ve seen,…
Adventurer's Guide
Lies of the Void
Reality and morality are flimsy barriers for the weak minded that you have long since broken through and left behind. You gain the following benefits:
Whenever you make a D…
Void Lightning
Voidrunner's Codex
Lightly Outfitted
You’ve learned to fight in light armor.
Raise your Strength or Dexterity Attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
Learn the light armor proficiency.
Adventurer's Guide
Linguistics Expert
Your gift for languages borders on the supernatural.
Raise your Intelligence attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
Select three languages and gain the ability to…
Adventurer's Guide
Living Stampede
The untamed have a connection with nature and the very world itself can feel the heat of their fury. Whenever you enter a rage you may choose up to a number of creatures equ…
Adventurer's Guide
Machine Liberator
You empathically feel for machines—you’ve felt their minds and tend to think of them as innocent, enslaved creatures that simply don’t understand the concept of freedom. Conce…
Starsword Whisperer
Voidrunner's Codex
Martial Mentalist
Your psionic powers bolster your physical abilities and augment your combat prowess. You gain the following benefits:
You learn the adrenalize and imbue weapon reflexes.
Voidrunner's Codex
Martial Scholar
You have taken the time to learn some advanced combat techniques. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency in a combat tradition of your choice.
You learn two…
Proficiency with at least one martial weapon
Adventurer's Guide
Martial Studies
Research is important for science and for combat. If you don’t know just the right fighting technique, you’re pretty sure someone else has published a thesis about it.
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Mecha Ace
With both combat and technical training, mecha aces turn their brains into brawn by designing and controlling their own unique custom mecha. So long as you have access to your…
3 levels in scientist, 3 levels in trooper
Voidrunner's Codex
Medium Armor Expert
Medium armor is like a second skin for you.
You do not suffer disadvantage on stealth checks while wearing medium armor.
The maximum Dexterity modifier you can add to your…
Proficiency with medium armor.
Adventurer's Guide
Mental Mastery
With experience your telepathic powers grow stronger, creating a bond not just between minds but between souls as well. Once between rounds, you can choose to expend a spell s…
Talented Telepath
Gate Pass Gazette
Midship Mastery
Through training and dedication you’ve become an invaluable member of any crew, and gain the following benefits:
Your Intelligence or Charisma score increase by 1, to a max…
Voidrunner's Codex
When a powerful personality is blessed with psionic gifts their coercive words can become nearly impossible to resist. Thoughts and feelings can intermingle and shift so subtl…
3 levels in psion, 3 levels in scout
Voidrunner's Codex
Mischief Maker
You have a preternatural knack for causing trouble. You gain the following benefits:
Your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain profici…
3 levels in
, 3 levels in
Gate Pass Gazette
Moderately Outfitted
Raise your Strength or Dexterity Attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
Learn the medium armor and shield proficiencies.
Proficiency with light armor
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Monster Hunter
You are a peerless slayer of beasts most foul. You gain the following benefits:
You gain an expertise die on checks made to learn information about the Legends and Lore of…
Proficiency with Survival, 8th level or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Moon Speech
Your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can speak and cast spells in hybrid form.
Hibernating Affliction
Pack Initiate
Rat Within
Striped Soul
, or
Gate Pass Gazette
Moon Style
You learn a new Tooth and Claw maneuver.
When you use a Tooth and Claw maneuver with your lycanthrope natural weapons in hybrid form, you deal an extra 1d8 damage.
Hibernating Affliction
Pack Initiate
Rat Within
Striped Soul
, or
, proficient in the Tooth and Claw tradition
Gate Pass Gazette
You have completely mastered the wolf within. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of .
When you choose to tame the beast in an involuntary transfo…
Pack Initiate
Gate Pass Gazette
Mounted Warrior
You fight as if you were born to the saddle.
You gain proficiency with the Lancer Strike maneuver and do not have to spend exertion to activate it.
Attacks targeting your…
Adventurer's Guide
Mystic Arcanist
The arcane and the divine are but two aspects of the same power seen through different lenses, and those with arcane blood running through their veins and divine words chanted…
3 levels in cleric, 3 levels in sorcerer
Adventurer's Guide
Mystical Talent
You’ve learned to channel the spark of magic in you.
Select a spell list and learn 2 of its cantrips.
From the same list, select a 1st level spell. Without expending a spe…
Adventurer's Guide
Mystical Trickster
Your repertoire of trickery expands. You gain the following benefits:
You may choose two skills instead of one for your Analyze Need feature. Whenever you make an using th…
Mischief Maker
Gate Pass Gazette
You’ve worked with enough cybernetics and other devices that need repair that you’ve decided to take matters into your own hands.
You have acquired the base designs for nanob…
Voidrunner's Codex
Natural Warrior
The urge to fight runs hot in your veins and you take to battle naturally. You gain the following benefits:
Your Speed increases by 5 feet.
When making an Acrobatics or At…
Adventurer's Guide
Neighborhood Figure
You have the look of someone even strangers can bring their troubles and gossip to. You gain the Townie adventuring trick from the bard class. In addition, you gain the follow…
Gate Pass Gazette
New Moon Werebear
You have learned to tame the bear raging within you since contracting . On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a bear or bear-humanoid hybrid. While you are transfo…
Must have been bitten by a werebear
Gate Pass Gazette
New Moon Wereboar
You have learned to tame the boar rampaging within you since contracting . On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a boar or boar-humanoid hybrid. While you are tran…
Must have been bitten by a wereboar
Gate Pass Gazette
New Moon Wererat
You have learned to tame the rat within and gained some control over the curse of . On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a rat or rat-humanoid hybrid. While you a…
Must have been bitten by a wererat
Gate Pass Gazette
New Moon Weretiger
You have learned to tame the tiger within and gained some control over the curse of . On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a tiger or tiger-humanoid hybrid. While…
Must have been bitten by a weretiger
Gate Pass Gazette
New Moon Werewolf
You have learned to tame the wolf within and gained some control over the curse of . On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a wolf or wolfhumanoid hybrid. While you…
Must have been bitten by a werewolf
Gate Pass Gazette
You have been corrupted with vampirism from exposure to dark forces that unlocked an ancient and unknown power within your blood, or because a vampire has bitten you. In eithe…
Must have been bitten by a vampire or taken necrotic damage equal to quadruple your level from a single attack or spell
Adventurer's Guide
Night Master
As an experienced you have learned complicated and fiercely guarded traditions that channel your mental energy through demanding techniques which unlock magic by manipulating…
Subtly Skilled
Adventurer's Guide
Nightstalkers are dedicated spies, saboteurs, and assassins, trained in ancient techniques that strain the limits of physical ability and verge on the supernatural. You gain t…
3 levels in adept, 3 levels in rogue
Adventurer's Guide
Office Holder
Whether elected or appointed, you’ve managed to secure a position of some political power within the city.
You have advantage on Charisma rolls against anyone in the same p…
Gate Pass Gazette
Pack Initiate
Your control over the lupine spirit within yourself improves. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain t…
New Moon Werewolf
Gate Pass Gazette
Pharmacologically Inclined
You’ve always had an interest in medicines.
You gain the Applied Pharmacology and Interplanetary Mutagen scientific methodologies from the class.
Voidrunner's Codex
Your mastery of mundane healing arts borders on the mystical.
A dying creature regains hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier when you stabilize it using a healing satche…
Adventurer's Guide
Pillar of the Community
You’ve gone above and beyond for the community and everyone knows that you’re the person to go to for favors, advice, or getting something handled. When you use your Hold Sway…
Neighborhood Figure
, have used the Hold Sway feature at least three times in the same settlement
Gate Pass Gazette
Polearm Savant
You’ve honed fighting with hafted weapons, including glaives, halberds, pikes, quarterstaffs, or any other similar weapons.
Creatures entering your threatened area provoke…
Adventurer's Guide
You seek a life in politics, or at least you’re pretending to be interested in it. You may be a bureaucrat, a trader of favors, or otherwise interested in the affairs of citie…
Charisma 13
Gate Pass Gazette
Power Caster
Double the range on any spells you cast requiring an .
Cover does not grant your targets an AC bonus when you make attacks against them with a ranged spell.
Select and lea…
Ability to cast one spell
Adventurer's Guide
Powerful Attacker
You reap a bloody harvest with a two-handed weapon.
You gain proficiency with the Cleaving Swing maneuver and do not have to spend exertion to activate it
Before you make…
Adventurer's Guide
Primordial Caster
Your blood seethes with elemental power.
Select an elemental damage type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder).
Your spells dealing that damage type ignore any damage…
Ability to cast one spell
Adventurer's Guide
Proclaimers are more than devoted to their faith, they are the oracles, the orators, the divine mouthpieces shouting to the masses with booming voices, convincing words, and e…
3 levels in bard, 3 levels in herald
Adventurer's Guide
Prosthetic Packaging
Because you have one or more prosthetics you’ve learned to wire implants to them, making them easier to change out.
You may have enhancement implants applied to prosthetics d…
Installed prosthetic limb
Voidrunner's Codex
Protean Persona
Your body is as adaptable as your mind. You gain the following benefits:
You can cast at will without expending a . When you do so this way, you may only choose the Altere…
Mystical Trickster
Gate Pass Gazette
Psi Trooper
Psi troopers are natural psions who have combined psychological and military training, their complex mental depths honed and sharpened into a single-minded psionic weapon. You…
3 levels in psion, 3 levels in trooper
Voidrunner's Codex
Psionic Armory
Your weapons float around you like moons orbiting a planet or the outstretched feathers of some angel of war, each instrument of death at your beck and call with a mere though…
Bullet Bender
Voidrunner's Codex
Psychic Prodigy
You have a natural psionic potential, instinctively able to access minor psionic abilities. You gain one psionic reflex of your choice. You treat your character level as your…
Voidrunner's Codex
You possess an innate ability to manipulate objects from a distance in a manner which can be dangerous. You gain the following benefits:
You gain the move object and projec…
Voidrunner's Codex
Pure Arcanist
As a mystic arcanist studies and meditates, they come closer and closer to an understanding of the pure magic from which all other arcanum stems. You gain the following specia…
Mystic Arcanist
Adventurer's Guide
Rally Point Warrior
Your presence on the battlefield is a beacon for your allies. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with the and maneuvers and do not have to spend exertion…
8th level
Gate Pass Gazette
Rallying Speaker
Your words can set even the coldest hearts ablaze.
You may deliver a rousing oratory that bolsters your allies. After speaking for ten minutes, you may grant temporary hit po…
Charisma 13
Adventurer's Guide
Rat Within
Your control over the murine spirit within additional time without suffering a level of . While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Crescent Moon Defense. Y…
New Moon Wererat
Gate Pass Gazette
Resonance Modulator
Field resonance and energy projection have always been of interest to you.
You gain the Makeshift Forcefield scientific methodology from the scientist class.
Voidrunner's Codex
Resonant Bond
You're able to form a greater bond with magic items. During a short rest , you can focus on a non-consumable magic item and create a unique bond with it called resonance. You…
Adventurer's Guide
You may choose to select this feat when you die, replacing your most recently chosen feat other than Vendetta or reducing your ability scores to reverse your last Ability Scor…
, one other feat or previous Ability Score Increase, dead
Adventurer's Guide
Rite Master
You have delved into ancient mysteries.
When you acquire this feat, select from the , , , , , , or spell list and choose two 1st level spells with the ritual tag, which are…
Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Rodent Embraced
You have completely mastered the rat within and learned tricks to make your lycanthropy an even greater asset in combat. You can transform one additional time without sufferin…
Rat Within
Gate Pass Gazette
Scientific Curiosity
While most have some curiosity about the universe, yours has led you to gain the following benefits:
Your Intelligence or Wisdom increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You ma…
Voidrunner's Codex
Second Story Worker
You’ve spent time as a specific kind of criminal: the sort that climbs drainpipes and grabs things from open windows.
You gain an expertise die on Athletics and Acrobatics…
Dexterity 13
Gate Pass Gazette
Secret Agent
You routinely undertake classified operations. You gain the following benefits:
Your Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain proficien…
Covert Operative
, or
Intelligence Officer
Gate Pass Gazette
Shadow Assassin
Inevitably, all learn that the dark’s only noble purpose is to snuff out the light. While you are hidden from a target and are in an area of darkness or dim light, you may ap…
Adventurer's Guide
Those that steal gold and those that steal power from the otherworldly must both walk among the shadows. The darkness consumes some, the light catches others, but some special…
3 levels in rogue, 3 levels in warlock
Adventurer's Guide
Those lost dancing in the dark eventually find comfort in those in between places, and learn the baffling shades and colors that light has never touched. You gain the followin…
Adventurer's Guide
Shield Focus
A shield is a nearly impassable barrier in your hands.
Using your shield, you may expend your bonus action to make a shove maneuver against an adjacent creature when yo…
Adventurer's Guide
Shield of Festung
For all their brilliance and power the fell mages of the Festung still have great need for strongarmed servants—both living and undead. The mortal warriors that tend to the fo…
To Save A Kingdom
Your versatility makes you an asset in nearly any situation.
Learn three skills, languages, or tool proficiencies in any combination. If you already have proficiency in a cho…
Adventurer's Guide
You are as swift and elusive as the wind.
Any form of movement you possess is increased by 10 feet.
Difficult terrain does not impede your movement when you have taken the…
Adventurer's Guide
Skyseer Vision
As a bonus action you choose yourself or an ally within reach and give that creature insight into future actions. The creature chooses one of the following – , , or ability…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
You’re good at learning things in cities. Talking to the right people, swapping gossip, and listening in on the conversation at the next table are like second nature to you.…
Proficiency in Investigation or Perception
Gate Pass Gazette
You are a terrifying foe to enemy spellcasters.
You gain proficiency with the Purge Magic maneuver and do not have to spend exertion to activate it.
Targets forced to mak…
Adventurer's Guide
You can quickly recover from injuries that leave lesser creatures broken.
Raise your Constitution attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
You regain an additional n…
Adventurer's Guide
Starsword Whisperer
Technopaths form a deep connection with their starglaive, seeing it not only as an extension of themselves but as a living thing unto itself. As a bonus action you can spend 1…
Voidrunner's Codex
Stealth Expert
The shadows embrace you as if you were born to them.
When lightly obscured , you may attempt the hide action.
You remain hidden after missing a ranged attack.
Your Wisdom…
Dexterity 13 or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Steel Protector
The metallic power you’ve developed makes your skin into a thing of shining steel. Whenever you use your Metal Skin feature with a spell slot of 2nd-level or higher, your skin…
Bronze Protector
Gate Pass Gazette
Stowaway Saboteur
With a skill for sabotage and daring recklessness, you gain the following benefits:
Your Constitution or Charisma increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
While on a capital sh…
Voidrunner's Codex
Strategic Thinker
You have an incredible knack for strategic thinking, able to put several plans into motion at once. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with board games,…
3 levels in
, 3 levels in
Gate Pass Gazette
Street Fighter
You’ve left a trail of broken opponents in the back alleys and barrooms of your home.
Raise your Strength or Constitution attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
Adventurer's Guide
Strength through Authority
As a bonus action, you can call upon creatures to demonstrate their loyalty to you and your cause. You and up to eight other creatures that can see or hear you can volunteer t…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Striped Soul
Your control over the feline spirit within yourself improves. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain t…
New Moon Weretiger
Gate Pass Gazette
Subtly Skilled
A true strength isn’t brute force—you are an infiltrator, deceiver, a voice in the right ear or a knife to the right neck, and you turn your physical and mental discipline in…
Adventurer's Guide
Subzero Soul
The frozen powers you have mastered spread throughout your body, your mind, and your very essence. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
Frozen Steps
Gate Pass Gazette
Surgical Combatant
Your knowledge of anatomy and physiology is a boon to your allies and a bane to your foes. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with the Dangerous Strikes…
Adventurer's Guide
You use every last ounce of energy to survive, even in the worst of circumstances.
When you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, you can use your reaction to move up to yo…
Adventurer's Guide
Swift Combatant
You are naturally quick and use that to your advantage in battle. You gain the following benefits:
Your Speed increases by 5 feet.
You gain proficiency with the Charge , R…
8th level or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Your control over the porcine spirit within yourself improves. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue . While you are transformed, you gain…
New Moon Wereboar
Gate Pass Gazette
Sword of Festung
It is rare for a warrior serving the Festung to remain there for long, but those who fully embrace their service attain great power in exchange. Years of conditioning and care…
Shield of Festung
To Save A Kingdom
Synergistic Empath
Your contact with your emotions, and the emotions of your allies, gives you great insight into what they need. You gain the following benefits:
You learn the and reflexes…
Voidrunner's Codex
Tactical Support
Your tactical expertise gives your allies an edge in combat.
When using the Help action to aid an ally in attacking a creature, the targeted creature can be up to 30 feet a…
Adventurer's Guide
Talented Telepath
The bonds forged in battle can be exceptionally strong among some marshals, the pressures of combat unlocking mental powers that grant a baffling mastery over the battlefield.…
3 levels in marshal, 3 levels in wizard
Gate Pass Gazette
Targeting Scrutiny
Your already shrewd battlefield scrutiny is enhanced by your custom mecha’s inbuilt targeting systems. You gain the following benefits while wearing your custom mecha:
Mecha Ace
Voidrunner's Codex
Tavern Fly
More than once has the joke been made about you that you hold up the bar as much as it holds up you, and it has become a badge you wear with pride.
Raise your Constitution…
Gate Pass Gazette
Particularly intelligent people with psionic gifts sometimes understand reality differently. The electronic and organic are not separate but rather aspects of the same whole,…
3 levels in scientist, 3 levels in psyknight
Voidrunner's Codex
While any telepath can contact a sapient AI’s mind, a technosavant gains the following benefits:
Your Intelligence or Charisma increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You are…
Voidrunner's Codex
Teleporting Combatant
The more you step through reality’s folds, the easier it becomes. You can forgo your movement during your turn to instead spend exertion to use Dimensional Step an additional…
Dimensional Step
Gate Pass Gazette
Choose an attribute and raise it by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20, and become proficient with saving throws using the selected attribute.
Adventurer's Guide
The Man with Two Guns is God
You have discovered the coolest fighting style in the world. You are proficient with gunsmithing tools and with all firearms. Whenever you take a , choose two firearms in your…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Your mastery of the dramatic arts is useful both on and off the stage.
Raise your Charisma attribute by 1, up to the attribute cap of 20.
When adopting another persona, ga…
Adventurer's Guide
Thought Feaster
As a mindshaper becomes more comfortable digging through and reshaping the minds of others, they often find themselves bolder, reinvigorated by the thoughts of others. Wheneve…
Voidrunner's Codex
You have a keen interest in electronics and mechanical engineering.
You gain the Energized Blaster and Utility Drone Helper scientific methodologies from the scientist class.…
Voidrunner's Codex
Tremendously Hulking
The incredible fury that boils within you can come forth with terrifying effect, rage making your body literally grow in size and stature.
When you enter a rage, you can spen…
Gate Pass Gazette
True Revenant
Even though it has carried you beyond the mortal pale and back again, your mission has become do or die as you exchange the last vestiges of your soul for more power so that y…
Adventurer's Guide
Uncommonly Skillful
You have reliable access to exceptional abilities.
You gain the following benefits:
An ability score of your choice increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain access to…
Chance to closely observe the skills in question
Gate Pass Gazette
Unfinished Business
You possess a deep understanding of spirits and the ties that bind them to the mortal world.
With your urging, the spirit of a recently dead person will speak briefly with yo…
Adventures in ZEITGEIST
The untamed harness the rage while in the wild shapes of the , combining a mortal’s blind fury with nature’s infinite unbridled wrath. You gain the following benefits:
3 levels in berserker, 3 levels in druid (Skinchanger archetype)
Adventurer's Guide
On your adventures you’ve met more people than you can count, and have become familiar with many other cultures.
Raise your Charisma or Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Gate Pass Gazette
Vampire Lord
It is uncertain where the darkness ends and you begin as you fully embrace vampirism—everything it offers and all that it takes away. You gain the following benefits:
Vampire Spawn
Adventurer's Guide
Vampire Spawn
You have embraced your vampirism, unlocking ever more and greater dark gifts. Your bite damage increases to 1d8, a creature affected by your Charming Gaze remains charmed for…
Adventurer's Guide
Something or someone has had a profound impact on your life—and earned your unending rancor. You are utterly dedicated to defeating the source of your vendetta, often an organ…
Adventurer's Guide
Vengeful Protector
You hate seeing your comrades made to suffer and are ready to protect them. You gain the following benefits.
You gain proficiency with shields as weapons.
You gain profici…
Proficiency with shields
Adventurer's Guide
Vermin Supreme
You feel a special kinship with the skittering and scurrying creatures of the world and are well adapted to surviving the same environments.You gain the following benefits.…
Gate Pass Gazette
A vigilante may operate inside civilization but outside the law, combining survival techniques and highly trained physical prowess to enforce their own justice from behind the…
3 levels in adept, 3 levels in ranger
Adventurer's Guide
Void Lightning
As void ronin let their passions grow wilder, their raw psionic force often manifests as bolts of black lightning that course through their manifestations. Whenever you would…
3 levels in scout, 3 levels in psyknight
Voidrunner's Codex
Void Ronin
The path of self-discipline can easily give way to self interest just as dedication can swell into passion. Psyknight teachings directly forbid letting your emotions take cont…
3 levels in scout, 3 levels in psyknight
Voidrunner's Codex
Weapons Specialist
Nearly any weapon is lethal in your hands.
Raise your Strength or Dexterity Attribute by 1, to the attribute cap of 20.
Select and learn any four weapon proficiencies. Thr…
Adventurer's Guide
You can maneuver effortlessly through the corridors of power and prestige. You gain the following benefits:
You are treated as royalty (or as closely as possible) by most c…
Prestige rating of 2 or higher
Adventurer's Guide
Werebear Emerged
You have completely mastered the bear within. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. When you choose to tame the beast in an involuntary t…
Hibernating Affliction
Gate Pass Gazette
Whirling Incantor
You train to move by thought and incant with your body’s flowing motion, becoming nearly unassailable as you whirl and dance, escaping fatal blows and seamlessly blending the…
Adventurer's Guide
Wild Rioter
Your wrath bursts the dams of even your connection with nature, outpouring from you and your stampede like a plague of fury.
While raging, you and any creatures benefiting fr…
Living Stampede
Adventurer's Guide
Wonder of the Lost Ages
Whether you are the descendant of a long-lost ancient civilization, were bitten by a magical lightning bug, or wandered into an errant beam of starlight is uncertain—what is n…
8th level or higher
To Save A Kingdom
Woodcraft Training
You have learned to survive in the wilds, a useful skill for almost any adventurer. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with the herbalism kit, navigator'…
Adventurer's Guide