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Liturgical garments and articles associated primarily with religious orders.

Signet ring

Signet ring

A ring bearing on its flat top surface the equivalent of a seal.



A robe is a loose-fitting outer garment. Unlike garments described as capes or cloaks, robes usually have sleeves. 



Eyepatches can be used to prepare one eye for lower light vision, especially for working on deck and in the relative darkness of a ship. When you are wearing an eyepatch and enter an area of darkness or dim light from a brightly lit area, you can use a bonus action to swap it from one eye to the other to gain an expertise die on Perception checks until you enter an area of bright light or for the next 10 minutes.

Clothes (traveler's)

Clothes (traveler's)

Clothes of varying styles can be appropriate to any number of cultures or social situations and can be worn over light armor. A DC 14 Perception check is required to notice light armor hidden underneath clothes.

Clothes (fine)

Clothes (fine)

Clothes of varying styles can be appropriate to any number of cultures or social situations and can be worn over light armor. A DC 14 Perception check is required to notice light armor hidden underneath clothes.

Clothes (costume)

Clothes (costume)

Clothes of varying styles can be appropriate to any number of cultures or social situations and can be worn over light armor. A DC 14 Perception check is required to notice light armor hidden underneath clothes.

Clothes (common)

Clothes (common)

Clothes of varying styles can be appropriate to any number of cultures or social situations and can be worn over light armor. A DC 14 Perception check is required to notice light armor hidden underneath clothes.