Ironwood Acorn
Ironwood Acorn
This tough acorn must be swallowed whole to fortify your muscles and sinews, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Strength saving throws for 1 hour.
Healer’s Satchel
Healer’s Satchel
This leather pouch contains medical implements used to patch up wounds. As an action, you can expend one use of this item to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Medicine check.
Fairy Cap
Fairy Cap
Consuming this small red mushroom cap removes inhibitions and creates confidence, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Charisma saving throws for 1 hour.
Dried Yewclaw Bark
Dried Yewclaw Bark
Eating strips of this dried yellow bark calms and clarifies the mind, and after consuming this bark you gain an expertise die on Intelligence saving throws for 1 hour.
These strips of sterilized cloth staunch bleeding and cover wounds. You can use an action to apply a bandage to yourself or another creature to end ongoing piercing or slashing damage. When using improvised bandages there is a 50% chance of exposure to a disease.
Consuming the dark bitter liquid in this vial removes the poisoned condition and you gain advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour.
Adderwort Roots
Adderwort Roots
Chewing these dark roots bolsters your body’s natural defenses, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Constitution saving throws for 1 hour.