Stand Tall Stance
Stand Tall Stance
You set yourself firmly against maneuvers.
Battering Strike
Battering Strike
A powerful blow smashes a weapon from your enemy’s grasp.
Warding Wield
Warding Wield
With seeming ease you whirl your weapon about your body, weaving it in a threatening pattern that makes your opponents hesitant to attack.
Until the start of your next turn, your AC increases by 2.
Reactive Knockdown
Reactive Knockdown
Putting yourself in just the right position as you strike, your unbalancing hit sends a retreating opponent into a reeling stumble and then the ground.
Heavy Stance
Heavy Stance
You set yourself firmly in place, determined not to move.
Faith Within
Faith Within
As soon as you spot the workings of magic nearby you can reflexively draw upon your willpower to fortify your mind, body, and soul.
Zealous Stance
Zealous Stance
By submitting to your fervor you make yourself vulnerable but gain an edge on your opponents.
Striding Swings
Striding Swings
With supreme confidence you march forward with your attack, stepping heavily into every strike and driving each blow home.
When you activate this technique, you take the Attack action and make a weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks granted by Extra Attack.
Purge Magic
Purge Magic
As soon as your senses seize upon the uttering of an incantation or a hand working the gestures of magic your body reflexively reacts with violence.
When a creature you can see within your reach casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it.
Imposing Glare
Imposing Glare
For a moment you unleash your fury forcing your enemy to hesitate.