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Lockpicks of Memory

Wondrous Item, Common (cost 150 gp)
Crafting Components

Thieves’ tools used in at least one burglary

It’s good to learn from your experiences but even better to learn from someone else’s. For a guild of thieves with a legacy of control and access within a city, these enchanted tools are a truly valuable asset. The lockpicks twitch in your hands when they come within 5 feet of a lock they have been used to open within the last year. You can use these lockpicks and an action to unlock any lock that the lockpicks have previously opened.

Alternatively, you can exhaust the lockpicks’ magic completely to borrow a skill or memory from a previous user. You can choose to either watch 10 minutes of a previous user’s memory (taken from the span of time they had the lockpicks in their possession) or for 10 minutes you can gain one skill, tool, or language proficiency of the previous user. At the end of the duration, the lockpicks rust away to nothing.

Note. The cost listed above is for a relatively recent set of lockpicks of memory and at the Narrator’s discretion an older version may cost much more.