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Luminescent Gum

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (cost 200 gp)
Crafting Components

Sponges harvested from the abyssal plains at the bottom of the ocean

(cost 200 gp per gum)

This salty chewing gum is made from the sap of a deep sea plant and is normally stored inside of a clamshell. In order to activate it, you must chew the gum as an action, during which its properties are released into your bloodstream. The center of your forehead forms a slight bump and begins to glow. Any darkness within a range of 120 feet becomes dim light, and any dim light within the same range becomes bright light. The gum has no effect on bright light.

The effect lasts for 1 hour, after which the gum loses its magical properties. The gum itself is a bit of an acquired taste and when you chew it for the first time you must make a DC 10 Constitution check or gain the stunned condition for a round as you vomit. Vomited gum can be retrieved and used again, but its remaining duration is halved every time it is reused.

Luminescent gum is generally found in bunches of 6 or 12 clamshells.