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Marvelous Pigments

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (cost 8000 gp)
Crafting Components

Fire beetle shell, slime from 10 different snails

This boxed set of iridescent paints can be used to create inanimate objects, terrain features, doors, and even rooms with nothing but the stroke of a brush. When you touch the brush to a surface and concentrate on the image of the item you want to create, the paint flows from the brush, creating a painting. When complete, the object depicted becomes a real, three-dimensional object. 

  • Small, simple objects take a single round. Larger objects, like doors or rooms, take more time. It takes 1 minute of concentration to cover 10 square feet of a surface, and 10 minutes to cover 100 square feet of a surface.
  • Objects created by the pigment are real and nonmagical—a door painted on a wall can be opened into whatever lies beyond. A pit becomes a real pit (be sure and note the depth for your total area). A tree will bloom and grow.
  • Objects created by the pigments are worth a maximum of 25 gold. Gemstones or fine clothing created by these pigments might look authentic, but close inspection reveals they are facsimiles made from cheaper materials.
  • When found the box contains 1d4 pots of pigment.
  • A pot of pigment can cover 1,000 square feet of a surface, creating a total area of 10,000 cubic feet of objects.
  • Energy created by the paints, such as a burst of radiant light or a wildfire, dissipates harmlessly and does not deal any damage.