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Maternal Cameo

Wondrous Item, Common (cost 90 gp)
Crafting Components

Family heirloom

This small stone is rumored to once have been an heirloom of a prominent family of seers from a mountainous region. The cameo is made of stone that features a light gray and cream-colored swirling pattern attached to a slender beige lace ribbon to hang about the neck. When you are wearing this cameo, you gain an expertise die on saving throws against fear .

Once you have worn the jewelry for 24 hours, the face carved in relief on the cameo resembles your biological mother. When the cameo is destroyed, the spirit of the image carved in the cameo is summoned so long as the person featured on the cameo is dead (if the person is alive, destroying the cameo has no effect.) The spirit remains for up to 10 minutes and is able to communicate with speech but otherwise unable to affect the Material Plane.