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Tools of the Hidden Hand

Wondrous Item, Common (cost 30 gp)
Crafting Components

Thieves’ tools owned and used by at least 3 different thieves

Carrying thieves’ tools is frequently illegal without a license or certification for locksmithing and even then can be an unfortunate piece of circumstantial evidence in the courts. As an action, you can alter the shape of these thieves’ tools to resemble any one set of artisan’s tools. If used for any task related to their new appearance, the illusion fades. The illusion can also be detected by a creature that spends an action inspecting them and succeeds on a DC 13 Investigation check.

Alternatively, while you are touching these thieves’ tools you can command them to truly become whatever type of artisan’s tools they are disguised as. You add your proficiency bonus to the first ability check you make with that set of artisan’s tools. Afterward the artisan’s tools remain in their new form as all magic fades from them and they become a mundane item.