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Wondrous Item, Common (cost 50 gp)
Crafting Components

Stone kept in a traveler’s pocket for a journey of at least 100 miles

This rounded oval stone has a metallic gray luster. When one or more waystones are kept in contact for an hour or longer, they become paired and magnetically attracted to each other for 1 week per hour spent in contact. Paired waystones are ideal for use as trail markers, for tracking purposes, or to prevent yourself from becoming lost. You can use an action to speak its command word, making the waystone sense and be drawn toward the nearest waystone within 5 miles, or if it is paired to another waystone within range, the paired waystone. Paired waystones are only able to sense each other.

A waystone has 3 charges and regains 1 charge each dawn. You may expend 1 charge when speaking its command word to increase the waystone’s range to 25 miles, or if the waystone is paired, to sense the nearest unpaired waystone within 5 miles. When used in either manner, the waystone’s attraction lasts until the next dawn. If you expend the last charge, the waystone becomes a mundane item.