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Lethal Outgassing

nd tier (
(3 hours)

Poisonous gases once trapped deep within the soil and rock of this area are leaking into the air. These fumes are deadly to people who breathe them for too long, making for a dangerous situation to both passersby and those living in the area.

Spell Solve. The outgassing can be temporarily ventilated by the casting of a gust of wind spell (making the air in that space breathable for up to 1 hour), but adventurers need to find the offending soil and rock to permanently get rid of it.

Possible Solutions

The party needs to make a group check to get through, with at least one each of the following: 

  • An Investigation check to find the source of the gas.
  • A Nature check to understand the outgassing phenomenon.
  • An Engineering check to plug up the leak.
  • Survival checks can be made by those simply trying to last long enough to fix the problem.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure: Adventurers breathe in the fumes and are poisoned , gaining a level of fatigue , and taking 21 (6d6) poison damage at the end of every hour spent in the gas cloud. Local areas suffer heavy loss in the wake of the destructive gases.

Failure: Adventurers breathe in the fumes and are poisoned , taking 10 (3d6) poison damage at the end of every hour spent in the gas cloud. The area around it suffers minor loss in the wake of the destructive gases.

Success: Adventurers successfully traverse the dangerous area.

Critical Success: Adventurers successfully prevent the outgassing from claiming further lives and they take no damage in the process. Roll twice on the Boons and Discoveries table.