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Poison Darts

nd tier (
(less than 1 hour)

When a pressure plate concealed on the ground registers 20 or more pounds of weight, poisoned darts fire from the wall, ceiling, or floor. 

Poisoned Darts. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, one creature. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage plus 16 (3d10) poison damage, and the target makes a Constitution saving throw or becomes poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned, the target’s flesh swells and it has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and attack rolls made using Dexterity. A Medicine check can treat the poison. 

Trap. This trap can be detected by a passive Investigation of 18 to notice the slits and holes that conceal the poisoned darts. If the trap is not detected, it automatically triggers a critical failure.

Possible Solutions
  • A group Acrobatics check allows the adventurers to safely move around the pressure plate.
  • Alternatively, a thieves’ tools check disables the trap.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure: Each adventurer and mount in the area is targeted by 2 (1d4) poisoned darts.

Failure: Each adventurer and mount in the area is targeted by a poisoned dart.

Success: The adventurers evade or dismantle the trap.

Critical Success: The adventurers evade or dismantle the trap and acquire a vial of the poison (enough to coat a single blade or up to three pieces of ammunition).