Civilized Gear
Fey Pepper. This rare plant only grows near paths to the Dreaming, and after the fall of the Elfaivaran empire five hundred years ago it became a black market item in most of Lanjyr. When chewed or smoked, the pepper makes the user giddy and upbeat. With a sufficient dosage, the user begins to hallucinate, though many claim these visions are actually glimpses into the Dreaming.
Gentleman’s Outfit. This fine outfit includes tailcoat, vest, cane, tophat, and more. In Elfaivar, this might take the form of an ornate embroidered sherwani over a kurta, with an accentuating stole. Gentlemen do not wear goggles.
Goggles. Designed for working in factories or laboratories with searing chemicals or embers, these goggles are atrocious for peripheral vision. They’re also handy for airship crew. While wearing them, you have advantage on saving throws to resist effects that would blind you. However, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve sight.
Lady’s Outfit. This ornate dress has an excess of weight composed of frills, whalebone corseting, multiple layers of fabric, and possibly a small hat with a lace veil. Elfaivaran fashion is less weighty, consisting of a sari or anarkali dress with luxurious mixed patterns, possibly with veils of silk scarves. Still no goggles. Definitely no cogs either.
Leaf of Nicodemus. Monks cultivate this herb, which grows best on the islands of the Yerasol Archipelago. When crumbled, rolled, and smoked as a cigarette, the monk’s leaf soothes nerves and sharpens perception slightly. It can be addictive if used extensively, but has no social stigma, unlike fey pepper.
Photochemical Camera. This tripod mounted device has an aperture to keep out light until a picture is ready to be recorded. A treated photochemical plate is slid into the camera and the aperture is opened for about a minute, or longer in dimmer conditions. Exposure to light in the presence of a certain gas causes the image to set on the plate, and a quick saline rinse ensures the image will not develop further if exposed to more light. These photographs are popular among the lower classes, who cannot afford proper portrait paintings.
Pocket Watch. In addition to telling time, a pocket watch deters the attention of minor fey. Watches will occasionally stop, skip, or run backward in the presence of powerful fey creatures.
Surgeon’s Kit. This tool kit includes a bone saw, debriding curette, ether, forceps, morphium, probes, retractors, scalpels, scissors, sutures, and syringe. Whenever you treat an injured ally during a short or long rest, make a DC 10 Medicine check. On a success, the first Hit Die that ally spends restores an additional 5 hit points, or on a failure by 5 or more that first Hit Die is wasted and restores no hit points. At the Narrator’s discretion this item might also aid the treatment of long-term afflictions.
Item | Price | Weight |
Fey pepper, week's supply | 10 gp |
- |
Gentleman's outfit | 30 gp | 6 lb |
Goggles | 5 gp | 1 lb |
Lady's outfit | 30 gp | 12 lb |
Leaf of Nicodemus, week's supply | 1 gp | - |
Pocket watch | 25 gp | - |
Photochemical camera | 100 gp | 10 lb |
Photochemical plates, 10 | 2 gp | 1 lb |
Surgeon's kit | 50 gp | 2 lb |