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Birdsong Whistle

Wondrous Item, Common (cost 85 gp)
Crafting Components

Cuckoo bird egg

This carving of reddish soapstone resembles a miniature cardinal. When air is blown through the lower back high-pitched sounds are emitted through the bird’s open beak. When the whistle is blown the sounds of songbirds are heard by all creatures in a 100-foot radius. These calls are indistinguishable from actual birds singing. 

Alternatively, you can use an action to break the whistle to summon a large flock of birds that appear at the start of your next turn and surround you in a 10-foot radius. The flock moves with you and makes you heavily obscured from creatures more than 10 feet away for 1 minute, or until the flock takes 10 or more damage from area effects.