Charcoal Stick of Aversion
Forged document that passed bureaucratic scrutiny
At every level of society—but especially when you’re on the bottom—going unnoticed can be a great benefit. Invisibility is one thing but effectively hiding your home and your possessions can be harder. As an action, you can expend 1 charge to draw a large X on one object up to the size of a normal door. This has no effect on creatures, or objects worn by creatures. Creatures other than you that see the marked object roll a DC 10 Intelligence saving throw . On a failed save, they do not notice the marked object as anything out of the ordinary from its surroundings (such as a blasphemous icon in a church, a barrel of gunpowder in a kitchen, or an unsheathed weapon resting against the wall of a bedroom going unnoticed). On a success, they can interact with the object normally. A creature that remains in the area and is consciously searching for the kind of object that you have marked receives a new saving throw at the end of each minute. A creature interacting with a marked object automatically reveals it to all creatures who observe the interaction. A charcoal mark lasts for 24 hours or until it is wiped away as an action.
Alternatively, you can expend 2 charges to increase the DC to notice the object to 15.
The charcoal has 2 charges and regains 1 charge each dusk. If you expend the last charge, the charcoal is consumed.