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Describing Gremlins

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (cost 225 gp)
Crafting Components

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This little porcelain chair has a tiny ethereal purple goblinoid sitting on it, and in the creature’s hands sits another even smaller purple goblinoid, and in their hands sits an even smaller goblinoid, and the motif seems to go on forever smaller.  

This item includes 10 gremlins of decreasing scale from the largest at 4 inches tall, to the smallest that’s roughly the size of an amoeba. 

If you place a single drop of a substance in front of the series of gremlins, the largest of them leans towards it and allows the smaller gremlins a minute to observe the drop’s contents at a cellular level. The smallest gremlin explains to the next size up, and so on, with the largest gremlin communicating back to you the description of the contents at a cellular level.

The gremlins are not particularly intelligent so most of their descriptions are similar to “some sorta green globs” or “a buncha squidgy spiny things what tried to eat me”.

Although this information is not scientifically or medically helpful, it can easily be used to identify if a substance is the same as another previously observed substance as the gremlins are consistent in their descriptions.