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Draconic Diorama

Wondrous Item, Common (cost 45 gp)
Crafting Components

Skeleton of a dragon wyrmling

This Tiny diorama is contained within a cube-shaped box 5 inches on each side. The bottom is lead and the rest made of transparent crystal. Inside the box there are several trees made of paper and wire, a treasure chest made of clay, and a 1½-inch dragon skeleton. The skeleton stands in a different position each time the box is examined but it does not move while being observed.

While you carry the diorama, you have advantage on saving throws against Frightful Presence.

A successful DC 13 Arcana or Nature check reveals the skeleton is an actual dragon skeleton that has been shrunk to fit inside the box. 

Curse. While carrying the cursed diorama you are compelled to amass more wealth. As long as you are compelled, you must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw to willingly part with the diorama, even temporarily.