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Elemental Quiver

Wondrous Item, Rare (cost 1000 gp)
Crafting Components

Jewel of the specified type

When you place one or more pieces of nonmagical ammunition into this bejeweled leather quiver, after 1 hour each is imbued with elemental power determined by the gem used in its construction. An elementally-imbued piece of ammunition deals an extra 1d4 elemental damage (see Table: Elemental Quiver). The enchantment begins to fade after the ammunition is removed from the quiver and vanishes entirely after 1 minute. Each piece of ammunition imbued with elemental power expends 1 charge from the quiver. The quiver has 20 charges and regains 1d4+2 charges each dawn.

Table: Elemental Quiver

Gem Elemental Damage
Diamond Lightning
Emerald Acid
Ruby    Fire
Sapphire Cold