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Family Scrapbook

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (cost 150 gp)
Crafting Components

3 items of sentimental value received from different generations of the same family

This scrapbook contains the legacy of campaigns undertaken by adventurers in days past. When in need of advice, you can open the leather-bound tome and spend 1 minute looking for a similar situation. Roll a d10 and on a 7 or higher, you learn one fact relevant to the situation. On a failure, you instead learn one fact or piece of advice that is irrelevant to the situation (such as “a group of tigers is called an ambush,” or “you should eat more leafy greens”). Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest .

Alternatively, you can use a bonus action to rapidly find one tale of questing relevant to your situation and rip it out of the book. Choose one 1st-level spell that has a casting time of 1 action from any class spell list. Before the end of your next turn, you can cast this spell without the need for material components. After a page is torn from the tome in this way, it becomes a mundane scrapbook.