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Grappling Gun

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (cost 25000 gp)
Crafting Components

This device resembles a crossbow with a grappling hook fixed onto a spear that emerges from the front of it. You can use an action to fire it at a perch within 120 feet—a crux of tree boughs, the corner of a building, the top of a street light, a cluster of rocks across a chasm—and make a ranged weapon attack roll against AC 13. On a successful hit the device’s grappling hook affixes itself to the perch and you can use a bonus action to retract the line, moving to a square adjacent to the grappling hook. When you are within 10 feet of the grappling hook you can use a reaction to return it to the grappling gun

A grappling gun that has its line obstructed by another creature or broken (AC 20, 20 hit points) becomes inoperable until it is reloaded with an action. 

In addition, you can fire the grappling gun as an attack against a creature (range 60/120 ft.), dealing 1d4 bludgeoning damage. On a hit the creature makes a DC 10 Strength saving throw or is knocked prone .