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Humour Realignment Transfiguration

Other, Common (cost 30 gp)
Crafting Components


People seeking a permanent change to their body tend to avoid shapechanging magic—it’s costly and scarce, and the thought of a wayward dispel reverting you to your old form and triggering a wave of dysphoria is horrifying. Instead most seek out magics that gradually encourage the systems of their body to adopt a new form. These magics take many shapes: potions from an alchemist, a blessed amulet, a pouch of ritual ingredients from a wizard. 

Using the magic requires a 5 minute ritual at the end of each long rest . At the end of the first month, your outward appearance begins to take on the shape and characteristics of a form more comfortable to you. By the end of six months of use, your body fully shifts to your desired comfortable form. To maintain the new form you must continue to perform the ritual—ceasing it reverts these changes at the same pace. Any new form must be of the same heritage as your previous form. 

Most practitioners provide 3 months’ supply at a time to encourage you to regularly seek assessment from a transmutation expert and catch dangerous changes before they cause you trouble. Unsurprisingly, many transmutation wizards, alchemists, and priests of elven deities across the land chose their career so they could pursue this path without any gatekeepers.