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Concentration ()

You create an illusory image in the target’s mind that appears completely real. The illusion includes sounds, smells, and temperature in addition to visual phenomena. None of the effects of the illusion are able to cause actual harm. While within range you can use an action to move the illusion. As the image moves you may also change its appearance to make the movement seem natural (like a bird moving its wings to fly) and also change the nonvisual elements of the illusion for the same reason (like the sound of beating wings as the bird flies).



Concentration ()

You hover at a height of up to 30 feet. You can maintain your levitation as long as you concentrate. Your levitation ends if you become unconscious. When the power’s effect ends, you fall if you are off the ground. You can target one additional creature for each power rating you have gained above II.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point for you and any additional targets to float down gently for up to 30 feet when the duration ends.




You spend time aligning yourself with the collective unconscious of the universe and gain an intuition die. You can have only one intuition die at a time. You can spend the die to gain a d6 expertise die for a single ability check or saving throw for your choice of one ability score chosen at the time of manifestation. As a reaction, you can grant the expertise die to a creature within 120 feet that can see or hear you instead of using it yourself.



Concentration ()

Mundane objects (like rope, vines, blankets, or loose clothing) in a 20-foot square area centered on the target begin writhing and undulating like living creatures. For the duration of the power’s effect, the area is difficult terrain.

A creature in the area when you manifest this power makes a Strength saving throw or becomes restrained as the objects wrap around it. A restrained creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your psionics save DC, freeing itself on a success.

When the power ends, the objects drop harmlessly to the ground.




You consider the implications of a specific course of action that you intend to take within the next 30 minutes. The Narrator chooses from the following resulting sensations:

  • Reassuring Confidence (good results)
  • Sense of Dread (bad results)
  • Mixed Feelings (both good and bad results)
  • Nothing (results that aren’t especially good or bad)

Using this power again to gain intuition about the same course of action grants no additional insight as to its outcome.

Force Field

Force Field

Concentration ()

You create an invisible forcefield at a point you choose. The forcefield is 1/4 inch thick and can be free floating or resting or connected to a solid surface. You may form it into a hemispherical dome or sphere, either with a radius of up to 10 feet. Alternatively, you may create a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal surface made up of up to a contiguous group of ten 10-foot square sections.



Concentration ()

You target a creature within range and overtax its psyche. The target makes an Intelligence saving throw or suffers the enervated condition until the end of your next turn. If the target is able to use psionic powers, it can make a manifesting ability saving throw instead.

Delay Inertia

Delay Inertia

Concentration ()

The target becomes immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Any damage that the target would take is delayed, and at the end of the power’s duration it is dealt all at once.

Surge. You can spend +2 psionic points to target an object of Gargantuan size [requires power rating V]; +4 psionic points to target an object of Titanic size [requires power rating VII].

Boost of Speed

Boost of Speed


Until the end of your next turn, your Speed is doubled, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and you gain one additional reaction. A creature cannot be targeted by this power more than once in two rounds.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature within 30 feet instead.