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Using psionic energy you alter your body, changing your appearance. You cannot alter your heritage, but you can change your facial features, hair length and color, alter your height by as much as 2 feet, and appear to be much lighter or heavier than you really are.

In addition, you can end the power’s duration early to either stop a source of ongoing damage (such as a bleeding wound) or temporarily harden your limbs to gain an expertise die to unarmed strike damage.

Regenerate Tissue

Regenerate Tissue


You pour healing energy into a living creature. The target is restored to maximum hit points, and any conditions, except for tracked conditions, on it end.

Psychic Resuscitation

Psychic Resuscitation


You pour psionic energy into a creature which has died in the last hour. The target returns to life with full hit points, and is cured of any wounds, poisons or diseases it had at the time of death.

The target has 4 levels of fatigue and 4 levels of strife when it wakes. In addition, you also gain 2 levels of fatigue.

The stress on the target’s physiology is intense; a creature can only be revived with this power once per year.

Surge. You can spend +2 psionic points to resuscitate creatures which have died in the last 24 hours.

Past Vision

Past Vision

Concentration ()

You attune with an object you can touch, or the immediate area surrounding you, and visualize events which have transpired within the last 24 hours. You become aware of anything which took place within 30 feet of the object, or within the 30-foot area affected by the power. While it takes you 10 minutes to fully realize the vision, you are able to speed through and pinpoint important events during the last 24 hours.

Make Energy Mote

Make Energy Mote


A mote of energy is imbued with your psychic power, manifesting into being and gaining a slice of your sentience to do your bidding. The energy mote is formed from a type of energy chosen when you manifest this power: fire, force, lightning, psychic, or thunder. When it is created, you give the energy mote a single command (such as to go to a specific location and explode, or to watch for the arrival of a creature then report back to you) which it follows to the best of its ability.




You spend time aligning yourself with the collective unconscious of the universe and gain an intuition die. You can have only one intuition die at a time. You can spend the die to gain a d6 expertise die for a single ability check or saving throw for your choice of one ability score chosen at the time of manifestation. As a reaction, you can grant the expertise die to a creature within 120 feet that can see or hear you instead of using it yourself.




You consider the implications of a specific course of action that you intend to take within the next 30 minutes. The Narrator chooses from the following resulting sensations:

  • Reassuring Confidence (good results)
  • Sense of Dread (bad results)
  • Mixed Feelings (both good and bad results)
  • Nothing (results that aren’t especially good or bad)

Using this power again to gain intuition about the same course of action grants no additional insight as to its outcome.

Fold Space

Fold Space


The target, along with all creatures and objects contained therein, is instantly transported to an unoccupied space at a location you have been to before on the same planet.

At power rating VII you can target a space vehicle you are on board and fold space to any planetary system you have been to before. You arrive near that destination in an unoccupied location chosen by the Narrator, typically in orbit of a specific planet, moon, or other satellite.