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Static Discharge

Static Discharge


You harness the latent energies of the cosmos and direct them with your mind. Make an unarmed melee attack. On a hit the target takes 1d10 lightning damage and can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.

The damage from this power increases to 2d10 at power rating IV and 3d10 at power rating VI.




You infuse a living creature with your psychic energy, healing its injuries. The target regains 1d6 + your psionic ability modifier hit points.

Surge. For every additional +1 psionic points you spend you increase the number of hit points restored by an additional 1d6 hit points.

Regenerate Tissue

Regenerate Tissue


You pour healing energy into a living creature. The target is restored to maximum hit points, and any conditions, except for tracked conditions, on it end.

Psychic Barrier

Psychic Barrier

Concentration ()

You create a psychic barrier which blocks extrasensory intrusion. While the power remains active, no clairsentience power can view, sense, or detect the area covered.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to put the barrier in place for the duration of a long rest [requires power rating IV].

Psychic Touch

Psychic Touch


You sense the presence of psychic energies and psionic activities within an object or creature you can touch. You automatically know if the creature or object has been psychically altered or imbued with psychic energy.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to determine the psionic discipline the creature or object has been imbued with.

Psychic Resuscitation

Psychic Resuscitation


You pour psionic energy into a creature which has died in the last hour. The target returns to life with full hit points, and is cured of any wounds, poisons or diseases it had at the time of death.

The target has 4 levels of fatigue and 4 levels of strife when it wakes. In addition, you also gain 2 levels of fatigue.

The stress on the target’s physiology is intense; a creature can only be revived with this power once per year.

Surge. You can spend +2 psionic points to resuscitate creatures which have died in the last 24 hours.

Imbue Weapon

Imbue Weapon

Concentration ()

The target weapon is imbued with psychic energy, bonding with your psionic strength. The weapon gains a bonus of +2 to its damage, and you can use your manifesting ability instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls made using it. The effect ends if you use this reflex again or let go of the weapon. Beginning at 3rd level the weapon’s damage type can be psychic, and if the weapon is medium-sized or smaller it gains the thrown (10/30) property.




Psychic power makes you taller and faster. Your size increases by one category and you gain an expertise die on weapon attacks. In addition, your reach increases by 5 feet, your Speed increases by 10 feet, you gain advantage on saving throws against combat maneuvers, and creatures have disadvantage on saving throws made against your maneuver DC.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature instead.

Empathic Sense

Empathic Sense

Concentration ()

You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to detect or identify hidden emotions, imminent danger, and the use of supernatural powers.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature instead; +1 psionic point to increase duration to 1 hour [requires power rating III].

Drain Power

Drain Power


Make a melee psionic attack against an adjacent creature. On a success you reduce that creature’s current psionic points total by 1d4+1 psionic points.

If the target has no psionic points, this power has no effect.