Mama Bear's Revenge: Mama Bear's Lair
The bear’s cave is set into a step rocky incline. Inside, Mama Bear, a cave bear , guards Fanghort’s body (the PCs can see and inspect the body from a distance—see below for details).
Mama Bear understands that Fanghort’s body provides the creatures with intelligence. She speaks with several dozen woodland creatures ( swarm of woodland creatures ) and one white wolf .
If the PCs sneak close enough and listen in, they hear Mama Bear spewing anti-human propaganda.
The PCs may try reasoning with the animals, perhaps asking them to back down or organize a truce. A DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check results in the woodland creatures abandoning the bear. A DC 20 check also results in the wolf giving up. Mama Bear requires a check of 25 to give up the cause, making it a near impossibility.
A frontal assault could prove dangerous, but a DC 10 Perception check reveals a nearby tunnel that could possibly lead into the cave. Any PC may traverse this tunnel, but a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check is necessary to avoid 1d4 slashing damage from the scrapes and bruises received while crawling through.
The tunnel leads to the back of the cave, 10 feet from Fanghort’s body and 25 feet from Mama Bear and the other creatures. If the PCs can dispel the curse on Fanghort’s body without alerting the animals, then they will be at a distinct advantage in the fight ahead.

Fanghort's Curse
Fanghort’s body radiates a cold green glow, and shimmering beetles crawl upon it. A DC 10 Arcana check is enough to determine that the body is the source of this strange magic. If the body is destroyed or dispelled, then the magic ceases. If the body is dealt 20 points of damage, then the magic immediately ends.
Each time the body is attacked, it releases a cloud of gas, dealing 1d4 poison damage to all creatures within 5 feet. Attacking the body is a noisy affair that may attract the attention of the animals.
Alternatively, the magic effect may be ritually dispelled. In a ritual that takes 30 seconds, a character may attempt a DC 15 Arcana check to end the spell. On a failure, the character is frightened for 1 minute, but may otherwise try again. The ritual itself is quiet, but it does require contact with the body. The character must make a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) check during the ritual to avoid being heard by the animals.
When the spell is broken, all of the animals immediately lose their sentience. Any creatures not in melee flee the scene in a panic, but those adjacent to PCs fight on. Mama Bear fights on even if not adjacent to the PCs. This is her home after all, and she is a bear.