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Ostinad Horselord

The wide sweeping plains and grasslands of Ostinad are home to the horse lords of Elissar, but this place southeast of Endora is a region and not a nation—there is no capital or king or even an army, only the swords pledged to each horse lord. Ostinads lead free and semi-nomadic lives that are as harsh as they are rewarding, any disputes between different groups won out with contests that demand the best of all participants. Within the meadhalls of the few small towns scattered across the gentle hills and flatlands however, the camaraderie, mirth, and trust encouraged by this rigorous equestrian way of life are all too clear to see.

Wherever they roam the people of the horse lords are accompanied by their beloved mounts. In Ostinad a horse is more than a beast of burden or means of travel, it is as much a member of the family as a sibling or parent. Ostinad equestrians cherish their horses and the bonds they forge are extraordinary, likened to that of a mother and child—and bore out in many legends of steeds that proved to be just as courageous and noble as the Ostinad warriors that rode them.

Characters raised in the Ostinad equestrian culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Animal Handling. You gain proficiency in Animal Handling and an expertise die on Animal Handling checks.

Mount. You gain a draft horse or riding horse.

Rider’s Bond. Once you have spent a week with a creature trained to be a mount, at the end of a long rest you may forge a special bond with it. This bond lasts until your mount dies or you use this trait on a different creature. While you have this special bond, you know what direction your mount is as long as you are on the same plane, your mount has advantage on saving throws against fear, at the end of each short rest your mount heals an additional 2d8 hit points, and as long as it is not fatigued at the end of a long rest your mount regains all of its hit dice.

Spirited Soul. Riding horseback is in your very soul. Choose one of the following:

Bonding Soul: When you first learn spells, you gain one 1st-level spell from the Beasts spell school in addition to the spells you normally gain. The spell may be from any class' spell list, and becomes a class spell for you. You may cast this spell by expending a hit die; this does not cost you a spell slot. Once you have cast this spell in this way, you cannot do so again until you have finished a long rest.

Striding Soul: If you learn combat maneuvers, you may always choose from the Spirited Steed tradition. In addition, it costs 1 less exertion point for you to activate Spirited Steed combat maneuvers (minimum 1 exertion point).

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and one additional language.