A torrent of healing energy suffuses the target and it regains 70 hit points.
Healing Word
Healing Word
Healing energy washes over the target and it regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting modifier.
Heart of Dis
Heart of Dis
You magically replace your heart with one forged on the second layer of Hell.
Heat Metal
Heat Metal
The target becomes oven hot. Any creature touching the target takes 2d8 fire damage when the spell is cast. Until the spell ends, on subsequent turns you can use a bonus action to inflict the same damage.
Heroes’ Feast
Heroes’ Feast
The spell summons forth a sumptuous feast with a cuisine of your choosing that provides 1 Supply for a number of creatures equal to twice your proficiency bonus.
The target’s spirit is bolstered.
Hideous Laughter
Hideous Laughter
The target is overwhelmed by the absurdity of the world and is crippled by paroxysms of laughter.
Hold Monster
Hold Monster
The target is
Hold Person
Hold Person
The target is
Holy Aura
Holy Aura
Holy radiance emanates from you and fills the area.