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-level (

You point and whisper your message at the target. It alone hears the message and may reply in a whisper audible only to you.

You can cast this spell through solid objects if you are familiar with the target and are certain it is beyond the barrier. The message is blocked by 3 feet of wood, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metals, or a thin sheet of lead.

The spell moves freely around corners or through openings.



-level (

You send a message of 25 words or less to the target. It recognizes you as the sender and can reply immediately in kind. The message travels across any distance and into other planes of existence. If the target is on a different plane of existence than you, there is a 5% chance it doesn’t receive your message. A target with an Intelligence score of at least 1 understands your message as you intend it (whether you share a language or not).



-level (

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack or targeted by the

Teleportation Circle

Teleportation Circle

-level (

You draw a 10-foot diameter circle on the ground and open within it a shimmering portal to a permanent teleportation circle elsewhere in the world. The portal remains open until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters the portal instantly travels to the destination circle.

Permanent teleportation circles are commonly found within major temples, guilds, and other important locations. Each circle has a unique sequence of magical runes inscribed in a certain pattern called a sigil sequence.

True Strike

True Strike

-level (

You gain an innate understanding of the defenses of a creature or object in range.

Transport via Plants

Transport via Plants

-level (

You create a magical pathway between the target and a second plant that you’ve seen or touched before that is on the same plane of existence. Any creature can step into the target and exit from the second plant by using 5 feet of movement.