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Nervous Recoil

Nervous Recoil

-level (

You magically cloud the target’s judgment at the last instant. The target must choose to keep its successful roll or treat the roll as a failure instead. If it keeps the success, the target takes 2d6 psychic damage.

Gish Gallop

Gish Gallop

-level (

You weave subtle charms into your speech to conceal your mistakes. When you fail a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check, you can choose to immediately repeat the triggering skill check, but with a different skill of your choice from the following: Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion. If you succeed on this check, it replaces the triggering failure. If you fail, all creatures that you are interacting with know you attempted to manipulate them

Antimagic Zone

Antimagic Zone

-level (

A permanent, immovable zone of antimagic fills the area, suppressing all magical effects within it. At the Narrator’s discretion, sufficiently powerful artifacts and deities may be able to ignore the zone’s effects. The zone is dispelled only if more than 10 percent of its area overlaps with that of another antimagic zone spell (which is also dispelled).

Antimagic Field

Antimagic Field

-level (

An invisible sphere of antimagic forms around you, moving with you and suppressing all magical effects within it. At the Narrator’s discretion, sufficiently powerful artifacts and deities may be able to ignore the sphere’s effects.

Calm Emotions

Calm Emotions

-level (

Strong and harmful emotions are suppressed within the area. You can choose which of the following two effects to apply to each target of this spell.



-level (

You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 2nd-level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect.

Dispel Magic

Dispel Magic

-level (

You scour the magic from your target. Any spell cast on the target ends if it was cast with a spell slot of 3rd-level or lower. For spells using a spell slot of 4th-level or higher, make an ability check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level for each one, ending the effect on a success.



-level (

You protect the target area against magical travel. Creatures can’t teleport into the area, use a magical portal to enter it, or travel into it from another plane of existence, such as the Astral or Ethereal Plane. The spell’s area can’t overlap with another forbiddance spell.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Globe of Invulnerability

Globe of Invulnerability

-level (

An immobile, glimmering sphere forms around you. Any spell of 5th-level or lower cast from outside the sphere can’t affect anything inside the sphere, even if it’s cast with a higher level spell slot. Targeting something inside the sphere or including the globe’s space in an area has no effect on anything inside.