Lose Them
Lose Them
You break direct line of sight with your enemies by flying into an area that’s dangerous or obscured.
You may only perform this starship maneuver while operating in a combat zone with the obscuring property. Any ships with a lock on you must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose their lock.
Escort Formation
Escort Formation
The squadron forms up around a single member to protect them from fire.
When you enter this formation, choose one of the starfighters in the formation. Until the start of your next turn, any attacks made against the chosen ship have disadvantage and attacks made against any other ships in the formation have advantage.
Barrel Roll
Barrel Roll
Your starfighter spins and jukes in response to oncoming fire.
As a reaction to being targeted by an attack, you force the attack to suffer disadvantage.
A Game of Chicken
A Game of Chicken
You fly head on against another starfighter, daring them to blink first and swerve out of the way.
Choose another starfighter operating in the same combat zone and make an opposed Charisma check against it. On a success that starfighter’s pilot becomes rattled for the next 1d6 rounds. On a tied result you instead ram the chosen ship (see Star Captain's Manual).
Shake Them Off
Shake Them Off
The end of many a good pilot has been a turret or enemy starfighter that stayed locked on for just a bit too long. It’s best to shake them off with some evasive flying.
One ship of your choice that is locked on to you makes a Dexterity saving throw or loses its lock on you.
Scouting Formation
Scouting Formation
You position yourselves to put active eyes on as much of the area as possible.
Starfighter pilots in this formation gain an expertise die on Perception checks and when rolling for initiative.
Lock On
Lock On
Dogfighting is all about putting your enemy in your sights and staying out of theirs, taking the best shots while staying on target.
Choose a target in your combat zone. The target makes a Dexterity or Strength saving throw (it’s choice) or you lock on to it. While locked on a target you have advantage on attacks against it. This lock on ends if you attack a different target or attempt to lock onto a different target.
Bombing Formation
Bombing Formation
You form up and coordinate your salvos into a single devastating bombing run.
When you fire a weapon with the salvo property while in this formation, any other ships in the formation can use their reaction to fire one weapon with the salvo property. Any effects that can shoot down or block weapons with the salvo property treat all munitions fired in this way as a single salvo.