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Stun Stick

Stun Stick

These hand-held devices deliver a powerful electric current that temporarily disrupts the target’s neuromuscular autonomy. A target damaged by a stun stick makes a Constitution saving throw against your maneuver save DC. On a failed save, the target is knocked prone and rattled until the end of your next turn. 
A target that fails the saving throw by 5 or more is stunned instead of rattled.

Mono-Whip (Special)

Mono-Whip (Special)

Spools of monomolecular wire affixed to a thin handle, mono-whips slice neatly through organic and inorganic matter alike.

Reach (15 ft)

Combat Knife (Light Blade)

Combat Knife (Light Blade)

These simple, mass-manufactured duranium blades are sturdy and practical, often carried by military forces as a backup weapon.



This weapon resembles a cross with four razor-sharp blades on each end. A creature not proficient with the crossdagger takes 1d4 slashing damage when it uses the weapon to make an attack and rolls a natural 1.

Wooden Stake

Wooden Stake

This simple weapon uses the statistics of a dagger, but any vampire reduced to 0 hit points with it is permanently destroyed. It is made of wood.



(Japanese) This blade uses the statistics of a



(Elven) This weapon uses the statistics of a

Tessen (war fan)

Tessen (war fan)

(Japanese) This war fan can be used as a light shield and as a



(Japanese) This weapon uses the statistics of a