Plasma Sword (Medium Blade; Plasma)
Plasma Sword (Medium Blade; Plasma)
A plasma sword is a superheated blade, reminiscent of a psyknight’s starglaive – although not as potent.
Dueling Sword (Medium Blade)
Dueling Sword (Medium Blade)
Well-crafted and usually individually designed, dueling swords are often ceremonial – however many cultures still regard hand-to-hand combat as an honorable way to resolve disputes.
This weapon resembles a cross with four razor-sharp blades on each end. A creature not proficient with the crossdagger takes 1d4 slashing damage when it uses the weapon to make an attack and rolls a natural 1.
Bastard Sword
Bastard Sword
(Japanese) This blade uses the statistics of a
(Halfling) This weapon can be used as a
(Japanese) This uses the statistics of a straight-bladed
(Scottish) This cross-hilted weapon uses the statistics of a
Butterfly sword
Butterfly sword
(Chinese) These use the statistics of shortswords, and are usually wielded in pairs. They have the dual-wielding property.
Double weapon
Double weapon
Wielded not unlike a quarterstaff, each side of this weapon has a blade, weighted head, or other injurious implement. Most double weapons are two-bladed swords or double-axes, but there have been gnome warriors known to wield hooked hammers and elvish clades specialized in swordspears. Double weapons use the statistics for whichever weapon is used to attack and are considered to have the dual-wielding and parrying properties.