You haven’t met your match at dice or cards. A career of high stakes and daring escapades has taught you when to play close to the chest and when to risk it all—but you haven’t yet learned when to walk away.
Are you a brilliant student of the game, a charming master of the bluff and counterbluff, or a cheater with fast hands? What turned you to a life of adventure: a string of bad luck, or an insatiable thirst for risk?
Faction Agent
Faction Agent
You served – and may still serve – an organization trying to influence events--either a public entity, a criminal organization, or a secret society that the public only knows through rumors and whispers.
You’re a performer who knows how to dazzle a crowd, an artist but also a professional: you never forget to pass the hat after a show.
Are you a lute-strumming singer? An actor? A poet or author? A tumbler or juggler? Are you a rising talent, or a star with an established following?
Perhaps you broke an oath or angered a god, or your parents promised their child’s soul to a fiend. Whatever caused it, you are cursed. The power that laid this upon you has not necessarily made itself known, but its effects are felt regardless. It has shaped your life and interactions with others, made you wary and careful. A tiny slip, a failed moment of etiquette, a dirty glance—any may trigger the curse.
How did you become cursed? Are there those who sympathize with your plight? What transgressions might trigger the curse’s worst effects? What does the curse do?
People call you a con artist, but you’re really an entertainer. You make people happy—the separation of fools and villains from their money is purely a pleasant side effect.
What is your most common con? Selling fake magic items? Speaking to ghosts? Posing as a long-lost relative? Or do you let dishonest people think they’re cheating you?