You instantly know the answer to any mathematical equation that you speak aloud. The equation must be a problem that a creature with Intelligence 20 could solve using nonmagical tools with 1 hour of calculation. Additionally, you gain an expertise die on Engineering checks made during the duration of the spell.
Note: Using the calculate cantrip allows a player to make use of a calculator at the table in order to rapidly answer mathematical equations.
Calculated Retribution
Calculated Retribution
You surround yourself with a dampening magical field and collect the energy of a foe’s attack to use against them. When you take damage from a weapon attack, you can end the spell to halve the attack’s damage against you, gaining a retribution charge that lasts until the end of your next turn. By expending the retribution charge when you hit with a melee attack, you deal an additional 2d10 force damage.
Chill Touch
Chill Touch
You reach out with a spectral hand that carries the chill of death.
An invisible sensor is created within the spell’s range. The sensor remains there for the duration, and it cannot be targeted or attacked.
Choose seeing or hearing when you cast the spell. You may use that sense through the sensor as if you were there. As an action, you may switch which sense you are using through the sensor.
Cobra's Spit
Cobra's Spit
Until the spell ends, you can use an action to spit venom, making a ranged spell attack at a creature or object within 30 feet.
Comprehend Languages
Comprehend Languages
You gain a +10 bonus on Insight checks made to understand the meaning of any spoken language that you hear, or any written language that you can touch. Typically interpreting an unknown language is a DC 20 check, but the Narrator may use DC 15 for a language closely related to one you know, DC 25 for a language that is particularly unfamiliar or ancient, or DC 30 for a lost or dead language. This spell doesn’t uncover secret messages or decode cyphers, and it does not assist in uncovering lies.
Continual Flame
Continual Flame
A magical torch-like flame springs forth from the target. The flame creates no heat, doesn’t consume oxygen, and can’t be extinguished, but it can be covered.
Create Food and Water
Create Food and Water
Your magic turns one serving of food or water into 3 Supply. The food is nourishing but bland, and the water is clean. After 24 hours uneaten food spoils and water affected or created by this spell goes bad.
You weave raw magic into a mundane physical object no larger than a 5-foot cube. The object must be of a form and material you have seen before. Using the object as a material component for another spell causes that spell to fail.
The spell’s duration is determined by the object’s material. An object composed of multiple materials uses the shortest duration.
Table: Creation
Crushing Haymaker
Crushing Haymaker
Your fist reverberates with destructive energy, and woe betide whatever it strikes. As part of casting the spell, make a melee spell attack against a creature or object within 5 feet.