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-level (

Until the spell ends, the target’s flesh becomes as hard as stone and it gains

Storm Kick

Storm Kick

-level (

You must be able to move in order to cast this spell. You leap into the air and flash across the battlefield, arriving feet-first with the force of a thunderbolt.

Teleportation Circle

Teleportation Circle

-level (

You draw a 10-foot diameter circle on the ground and open within it a shimmering portal to a permanent teleportation circle elsewhere in the world. The portal remains open until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters the portal instantly travels to the destination circle.

Permanent teleportation circles are commonly found within major temples, guilds, and other important locations. Each circle has a unique sequence of magical runes inscribed in a certain pattern called a sigil sequence.



-level (

You create a wave of thunderous force, damaging creatures and pushing them back. Creatures in the area take 2d8 thunder damage and are pushed 10 feet away from you. 

Unsecured objects completely within the area are also pushed 10 feet away from you. The thunderous boom of the spell is audible out to 300 feet.

Wall of Fire

Wall of Fire

-level (

You create a wall of fire on a solid surface. The wall can be up to 60 feet long (it does not have to be a straight line; sections of the wall can angle as long as they are contiguous), 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The wall blocks sight.

Wall of Stone

Wall of Stone

-level (

A nonmagical wall of solid stone appears at a point you choose. The wall is 6 inches thick and is made up of a contiguous group of ten 10-foot square sections. Alternatively, you can create 10-foot-by-20-foot sections that are only 3 inches thick.

The wall can have any shape you desire, though it can't occupy the same space as a creature or object. The wall doesn't need to be vertical or rest on any firm foundation but must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. Thus, you can use this spell to bridge a chasm or create a ramp.

Water Breathing

Water Breathing

-level (

Until the spell ends, the targets are able to breathe underwater (and still able to respirate normally).

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Water Walk

Water Walk

-level (

Until the spell ends, the targets are able to move across any liquid surface (such as water, acid, mud, snow, quicksand, or lava) as if it were solid ground. Creatures can still take damage from surfaces that would deliver damage from corrosion or extreme temperatures, but they do not sink while moving across it.

A target submerged in a liquid is moved to the surface of the liquid at a rate of 60 feet per round.

This spell may be cast as a ritual



-level (

Thick, sticky webs fill the area,