Thieves' tools
Thieves' tools
This set of often sharp and slender metal instruments are needed to crack locks and carefully spy into mechanisms. You can use an action to open a lock by making a thieves’ tools check against a DC determined by the quality of the lock being picked.
Smith's tools
Smith's tools
These hammers and clamps are a poor replacement for a full forge but can be instrumental for repairing metal items. With 1 hour of work you can use smith’s tools to mend many weapons and armors. The DC of a smith’s tools check is determined by the material being worked.
Sewing kit
Sewing kit
This kit of threads, thimbles, buttons, and scissors is primarily used to mend clothing. With 1 hour of work you can use a sewing kit to mend clothing and some suits of armor. The DC of a sewing kit check is determined by the material being worked.
Poisoner's kit
Poisoner's kit
Everything necessary for carefully harvesting and processing natural poisons and venoms can be found in this kit. You can attempt to harvest poisons from areas with abundant flora by spending an hour searching and making a poisoner’s kit check. On a result of 1–14 you accidentally poison yourself and suffer the effects of a basic poison. On a result of 15–19 you obtain a vial’s worth of basic poison.
Navigator's tools
Navigator's tools
These precision instruments allow you to relate your position to the position of the stars. So long as you are on the Material Plane and can freely observe the stars, once per night you can make a navigator’s tools check. On a result of 15–19 you learn one of the following pieces of information, or two pieces of information on a result of 20 or higher:
Herbalism kit
Herbalism kit
This kit contains the tools needed to carefully harvest and process rare herbs into remedies. You can attempt to harvest rare herbs from areas with abundant flora by spending an hour searching and making an herbalism kit check.
Forgery kit
Forgery kit
This small box contains a wide variety of papers, inks, and sealing waxes needed to create convincing forgeries of specific documents. A creature examining a false document made using a forgery kit must make an Investigation check (DC equal to the result of your forgery kit check) in order to realize it is a fake.
Disguise kit
Disguise kit
This pouch of props, costuming, and cosmetics lets you change your physical appearance. A creature observing you after you make a disguise kit check must make a Perception check (DC equal to the result of your disguise kit check) in order to see through your disguise.