Poisoner's kit
Everything necessary for carefully harvesting and processing natural poisons and venoms can be found in this kit. You can attempt to harvest poisons from areas with abundant flora by spending an hour searching and making a poisoner’s kit check. On a result of 1–14 you accidentally poison yourself and suffer the effects of a basic poison. On a result of 15–19 you obtain a vial’s worth of basic poison. On a result of 20–24 you obtain a vial’s worth of advanced poison, and on a result of 25 or higher you obtain a vial’s worth of potent poison.
Alternatively, with 10 minutes of work you can use a poisoner’s kit to harvest poison from the fresh corpse of a creature that naturally contained poisons. Make a poisoner’s kit check against a DC equal to the DC of the creature’s poison (if the creature’s poison has no saving throw, use 8 + the creature’s CR). On a failed check you suffer the effects of the creature’s poison, and on a success you harvest a vial’s worth of poison. You can use the creature’s poison to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 3 pieces of ammunition as an action. The poison retains its potency for 1 minute or until you hit with the weapon or ammunition. Weapons or ammunition you coat in a creature’s poison inflict the same effects as shown in the creature’s statistics. Once you harvest the poison of a creature, that corpse cannot be harvested from again.