Pressure suit
Pressure suit
Pressure suits appear different depending on where they are made but they always have an airsuit and pressure helmet.
Airsuit. A suit of armor is needed to utilize this leather and alchemically-tailored slip, but once integrated it hermetically seals the wearer from the outside. While wearing a suit of armor equipped with an airsuit, you have advantage on saving throws made against pressure. A fine or masterwork airsuit does not require integration into a suit of armor to be worn.
Diving Set
Diving Set
Diving sets come in a wide variety of shapes and forms, though all include both a face mask and bodysuit.
Bodysuit. A suit of armor is needed to utilize this leather and aquatic animal hide slip, but once integrated it hermetically seals the wearer from the outside. While wearing a suit of armor equipped with a bodysuit, you gain resistance to cold damage while underwater and advantage on saving throws made against pressure. A fine or masterwork bodysuit does not require integration into a suit of armor to be worn.
Air Safe
Air Safe
This airtight 1-foot diameter metallic sphere is able to withstand pressures of up to 15,000 feet without rupture or collapse. While you are at a depth of 5,000 feet or less, you can use a bonus action to press the air safe’s valve against your mouth and breathe from it. When at a depth between 5,001 feet and 11,000 feet, breathing from the air safe requires an action. Between depths of 11,001 and 15,000 feet the air safe’s valve only functions with a DC 13 Strength check and a DC 12 Dexterity check is needed to successfully breathe from it.
Bog Stilts
Bog Stilts
While wearing this set of 5-foot stilts and using the accompanying staff for support, you have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls the Narrator deems appropriate. Additionally, you can make a DC 10 Acrobatics or Athletics check to increase your Speed by 10 feet for 1 hour (on a failure you fall prone and take 1 bludgeoning damage). Donning bog stilts takes 1 minute.
Bog Sled
Bog Sled
This simple, high-sided wooden sled is the best way to evenly distribute the extra weight of goods and equipment on the wetlands, and keep them out of the muck. If empty they make for a helpful platform for a single Medium creature to lay a sleeping bag on, to prevent them from getting damp or sinking in the night. A bog sled can carry 50 pounds of goods, 15 Supply, and 2 bulky items.
Torch (alchemical)
Torch (alchemical)
The rough, sticky tar at the end of this torch burns through even the most adverse conditions. An alchemical torch burns for 1 hour even in heavy rains, strong winds, and underwater (albeit poorly when submerged, shedding only dim light in a 5-foot radius). Dimmer than a normal torch, it sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
A torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. When you use a burning torch as a club to make a melee attack, it deals an extra 1 fire damage on a hit.
Tent (communal)
Tent (communal)
These stitched together canvases, hides, or tarps provide protection from the elements so long as there is a flat space for them to be deployed.
Suitable for up to 6 Medium- sized creatures. Occupies a 15-foot by 15-foot space when set up.
Tent (two person)
Tent (two person)
These stitched together canvases, hides, or tarps provide protection from the elements so long as there is a flat space for them to be deployed.
Suitable for up to 2 Medium- sized creatures. Occupies a 10-foot by 10-foot space when set up.
Tent (one person)
Tent (one person)
These stitched together canvases, hides, or tarps provide protection from the elements so long as there is a flat space for them to be deployed.
Suitable for a Medium-sized creature. Occupies a 5-foot by 10-foot space when set up.