Diving Set
Diving sets come in a wide variety of shapes and forms, though all include both a face mask and bodysuit.
Bodysuit. A suit of armor is needed to utilize this leather and aquatic animal hide slip, but once integrated it hermetically seals the wearer from the outside. While wearing a suit of armor equipped with a bodysuit, you gain resistance to cold damage while underwater and advantage on saving throws made against pressure. A fine or masterwork bodysuit does not require integration into a suit of armor to be worn.
Face Mask. This leather and glass contraption covers the eyes, nose, and mouth without obstructing vision. While wearing a face mask underwater, you gain advantage on saving throws against poison. A face mask can be disarmed as if it was a shield. In addition, you can connect the face mask to a specialized fine or masterwork air safe, providing enough air for up to 1 hour of breathing for a Medium-sized creature (or 2 hours of breathing for a Small-sized creature).