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Mosquito Netting

Mosquito Netting

This thin mesh cloth provides protection from small insects while sleeping in jungles, swamps, or similar environments.

Marshland Gear

Marshland Gear

Marshland gear includes special boots, gloves, and clothes designed to repel moisture and muck. This gear can be worn over light armor and takes 5 minutes to don or remove. While you are wearing marshland gear, you can move at a normal pace through nonmagical swamps and marshes, but you have disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws made on dry or rocky terrain.

Map (frontier)

Map (frontier)

When using a map, you may travel at a fast pace without taking a penalty to your passive Perception while within the area it depicts. If you also use a compass in conjunction with a map, you gain an expertise die on checks made to avoid becoming lost.

Map (distant)

Map (distant)

When using a map, you may travel at a fast pace without taking a penalty to your passive Perception while within the area it depicts. If you also use a compass in conjunction with a map, you gain an expertise die on checks made to avoid becoming lost.

Distant: This map depicts a region far-flung from those that made it, and it only shows the major geographical features and best known routes within the realm.

Map (local)

Map (local)

When using a map, you may travel at a fast pace without taking a penalty to your passive Perception while within the area it depicts. If you also use a compass in conjunction with a map, you gain an expertise die on checks made to avoid becoming lost.

Local: This map depicts an area that is well known to its makers and shows the full details as well as routes within the realm, including the names of hamlets, villages, and towns.

Hunting Trap

Hunting Trap

Once you use your action to set it, this trap forms a saw-toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on a pressure plate in the center. The trap is affixed by a heavy chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven into the ground. A creature that steps on the plate makes a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or it takes 2d4 piercing damage and stops moving. On a failed save, until the creature breaks free of the trap its movement is limited by the length of the chain (typically 3 feet long).

Hunting Snare

Hunting Snare

This simple arrangement of stakes, wires, and ropes can be set for catching small game in woodlands, forests, or other hunting grounds. Whenever you retrieve the snare, roll a d20 and add a bonus equal to the number of hours the snare has been set. On a 21 or higher the snare has captured and killed a Tiny game animal with 1d4 Supply.

Fishing Trap

Fishing Trap

Whenever you retrieve this arrangement of netting, wires, and weights from a body of water with aquatic life, roll a d20 and add a bonus equal to the number of hours the trap has been set. On a 21 or higher the trap has captured fish or other aquatic animals totaling 1d4 Supply.



This device has a free-turning needle that always points towards the magnetic north.

Cold Weather Gear

Cold Weather Gear

Cold weather gear includes special boots, gloves, warm padding, and face protection. This gear can be worn over or under any armor and takes 5 minutes to don or remove. While wearing cold weather gear you automatically succeed on saving throws against effects caused by an environment of extreme cold, but have disadvantage on saving throws against effects from environments of extreme heat and spells or effects that deal fire damage. This gear can also be worn to provide warmth while resting in cold environments.