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Quiver of the Hunt

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement; cost 300 gp)
Crafting Components

Pelt of a hunting beast of CR 1 or higher, or air elemental’s essence

(requires attunement; cost 300 gp or 2,000 gp)

While attuned to and wearing this ornate quiver, you can draw arrows, bolts, or sling stones as part of taking the Attack action with a bow, crossbow, or sling, producing an endless supply of missiles. The ammunition disappears upon impact, hit or miss, and disappears if passed to another creature to fire.

While attuned to and wearing the rare version of the quiver of the hunt, you can also use a bonus action to declare a target to be your quarry. You gain advantage on Perception checks made to detect and Survival checks made to track the target, as well as Intelligence checks to determine its weaknesses. In addition, you deal an extra 1d6 damage on weapon attacks made against the target. The target remains your quarry for 8 hours, or until you cease concentration (as if concentrating on a spell).