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There are many kinds of birdfolk in the world, all with their own cultures and origin stories.

True to their avian roots, birdfolk have feathers instead of hair, as well as flight feathers along the sides of their forearms. Beyond that, however, their feather coloration can vary greatly, and their skin color runs the gambit of human coloration and occasionally beyond. A birdfolk connected with a kind of parrot may be bright green with deep brown skin and brown eyes without whites to them, while one connected to a gyre falcon may have gray feathers, pale skin, and yellow eyes.


Birdfolk Traits

Characters with the birdfolk heritage share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Age: Birdfolk reach physical maturity around age 20, when they shed their drab juvenile feathers for a new, adult coloration. It is very rare for them to live past 100 years.

Size: Birdfolk often have lean builds. They stand between 5 to 7 feet tall, though due to their hollow bones they average 90 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Avian Senses. You gain an expertise die on Perception checks that rely on sight or hearing.

Wind Rider. Your arms function as protowings that allow you to glide safely to the ground. Each round you can move horizontally 5 feet for every 5 feet you descend, up to a distance equal to your speed. You cannot hover and so must move your full Speed each turn or land. Otherwise, you fall as normal. To use this movement, you cannot be encumbered and cannot wield a weapon. At the Narrator’s discretion you may be able to hold a small weapon, such as a dagger, or a small item, such as a potion, but cannot use them while gliding. Whenever you spend 3 full consecutive rounds gliding without landing, you gain a level of fatigue . Any fatigue gained in this way is removed upon finishing a short or long rest.

Additionally, you have resistance to falling damage as long as you are not incapacitated .

Birdfolk Gifts

Birdfolk can vary greatly from each other. In addition to the traits found in your birdfolk heritage, select one of the following gifts.

Aspect of the Hunt

Birdfolk especially in tune with birds of prey are never unarmed. You gain the following trait:

Sharp Talons. Your talons are sharp enough to be used as deadly weapons. The talons are natural weapons with the finesse trait, which you can use to make unarmed strikes that deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. They do not require an empty hand to use.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Wind Mastery

Rarely, a birdfolk is born with true wings sprouting from their back, as well as tail feathers to help them fly. While not capable of sustained flight, such chicks are considered blessed and often go on to hold roles of spiritual or political significance. You gain the following trait:

Flight. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. Whenever you spend 3 full consecutive rounds airborne without landing, you gain a level of fatigue . Any fatigue gained in this way is removed upon finishing a short or long rest .

You can use your Wind Rider trait to glide on a following round, but if you resume flying before landing you gain fatigue as normal. Similarly, you can begin flying during a glide but are still subject to gaining fatigue if you resume gliding.

Birdfolk Paragon

As a birdfolk matures, they achieve their full potential, boosting their innate abilities to higher levels. When you reach 10th level, your heritage gift improves considerably.

Greater Aspect of the Hunt

The range of your darkvision increases to 120 feet and your talons’ damage die increases to 1d8. Additionally, you can now make an attack roll with your talons as a bonus action.

Greater Wind Mastery

Your fly speed increases to 40 feet and you can fly while wearing medium or heavy armor. When you would suffer fatigue from using your fly speed, you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 10 + 1 per previous save in the last minute). On a success, you do not suffer fatigue from flying that round and you do not suffer fatigue from flying that round.

Birdfolk Culture

Often deeply attuned to the spirits and small gods of nature, most birdfolk flocks are a reverent people culturally encouraged to consider the effects their actions will have on the greater web of the community and the land around them. No matter where it is found, community is the most important pillar of a birdfolk’s life, with protection of and service to the flock seen as the highest calling. Birdfolk who strike out as adventurers or settle among other peoples tend to consider party members and neighbors as part of their personal flock.

Suggested Cultures

While you can choose any culture for your birdfolk character, the following cultures are linked closely with this heritage: crag-keeper simirengo , far-flyer simirengo , nomad , sky-seeker simirengo , wildling .