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Eye of Elsewhere

Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement; cost 55000 gp)
Crafting Components

Unique (uncraftable)

This gray stone orb is carved into the likeness and size of a disquietingly realistic human eye with a ruby iris. Once you have attuned to it you can use an action to set the eye in a gentle orbit around your head, 1d4 feet away from you. Another creature may use an action to try and take an orbiting eye, but must make a melee attack against AC 24 or make a DC 24 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The eye’s AC is 24, it has 30 hit points, and resistance to all damage. While orbiting your head, it is considered a worn item. You can use an action to seize and stow the eye, returning it to an inert and inactive state. 

While the eye is actively orbiting your head, your Intelligence score increases by 2 (to a maximum of 22), you gain an expertise die on Intelligence checks and Perception checks, and you cannot be surprised or blinded

Innate Arcane Eye. While the eye orbits your head, you know and can innately cast arcane eye without expending a spell slot or the need for material components.

Shared Paranoia. After you have attuned to the eye and it has been and active for 24 hours, you develop a paranoia that persists as long as it remains active. While paranoid you have disadvantage on Insight checks and you are considered roughing it if you sleep in the same room or tent as another humanoid creature. 

Sentience. The eye is a sentient construct with Intelligence 20, Wisdom 15, and Charisma 8. It cannot hear, but has blindsight and darkvision to a range of 60 feet. The eye communicates with you and other creatures within 60 feet telepathically and can read, speak, and understand Abyssal, Common, Deep Speech, and Undercommon.

Personality. The eye of elsewhere contains the soul of something utterly alien to humanoid perceptions, betrayed and plunged into a constrained form. It is constantly paranoid and convinced that some worse fate could befall it at any moment. Once attuned it will try to learn everything and anything you know, especially secrets. If you are forthcoming with information the eye grows to trust you, but can be brought into conflict if you withhold any information. When in conflict the eye shuts and you no longer gain any of the eye’s benefits or properties except for Shared Paranoia. The eye only opens again if you divulge an important secret or the information initially withheld. 

Destroying the Eye. The eye is unbreakable but it has the power to implode and disintegrate itself. Success on a DC 28 Deception check convinces the eye that some horrifying and frightening threat is inevitably soon to befall it. Rather than accept its fate, the eye destroys itself and blinks out of existence. On a failed check, the creature permanently loses the eye’s trust and the eye will never attune to it or be convinced by its Deception checks.