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Memory Leaf

Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement; cost 999999)
Crafting Components

 Unique (uncraftable)

Precious beyond reckoning, this silver leaf has fallen from a Memory Tree and contains a psychic imprint of the living creature it was once connected to. It can only be attuned when pressed against the forehead and is often set into a woven headband. 

Legends and Lore Success on an Arcana or History check reveals the following:

DC 15 This is the Memory Leaf, which fell from a Memory Tree in ages past. 

DC 18 Sometimes those who wear the leaf sense those who have worn it before.

DC 21 The leaf can grant knowledge about the ancient world.

Artifact Properties

The Memory Leaf has one lesser artifact benefit. There is a 50% chance when you attune to the leaf that you discover a lesser artifact detriment. 

In some cases the benefit and detriment are reflections of the former personality, and you may acquire those traits while attuned to it.


While this leaf is pressed against your forehead, you can cast legend lore to ask the psychic imprint within the leaf one question about the ancient world. Once you have used this property 3 times, it cannot be used again until next dawn.