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AC 19 (natural armor)

HP 110 (13d10 + 39; bloodied 55)

Speed 50 ft.

Proficiency +3; Maneuver DC 16

Skills Perception +4

Condition Immunities petrified

Senses passive Perception 14



Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5) piercing damage, and the target makes a DC 16 Strength saving throw , falling prone on a failure. If the gorgon moves at least 20 feet straight towards the target before the attack, the attack deals an extra 6 (1d12) piercing damage.

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Petrifying Breath (Recharge 56). The gorgon exhales petrifying gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area makes a DC 14 Constitution saving throw . On a failure, a creature is restrained as it begins to turn to stone. At the beginning of the gorgon’s next turn, the creature repeats the saving throw. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified . This petrification can be removed with greater restoration or similar magic.


Trample Underfoot. The gorgon attacks a prone creature with its hooves.


If the gorgon can charge more than 20 feet at an enemy without provoking an opportunity attack, it does so. Otherwise, it uses Petrifying Breath if it can. As a last resort, it attacks with its gore without charging. The gorgon flees only if it can’t reach any enemies.

Legends and Lore

With an Arcana or Nature check, characters can learn the following:

DC 10 Gorgons are bulls with hides made out of iron. Their breath turns living creatures into stone.

DC 15 Though they appear mechanical, gorgons aren’t constructs, but living creatures.

DC 20 Only powerful divine magic can restore a creature turned to stone by a gorgon’s breath.


The iron-hided gorgon is both terrible and awesome to behold. In form, the gorgon is a large, muscular bull with overlapping plates of iron for skin and viscous oils for blood and sweat. It is theorized that ancient sorcerers created the first gorgons to serve as mechanical sentries, but they are clearly no longer mindless automatons, if they ever were.

Defensive Mechanisms. With its metal-plated skin and petrifying breath, a gorgon is an adversary best left alone—and unless provoked, a gorgon will likely return the favor. Unfortunately, fear of these creatures, combined with a profitable rare goods market for gorgon hide, often provide sufficient incentive for skilled mercenaries to slay a gorgon on sight.

Mistaken Identity. Victims of a gorgon’s petrifying breath rarely live to tell the tale, leaving others to speculate what sort of monster turned them into stone. Medusas, cockatrices, and basilisks are the most common suspects. Experienced adventurers, however, can identify the true culprit by the heavy hoofprints a gorgon leaves in its wake.


1 Grazing; attacks on sight

2 Penned and rusty from inactivity

3 Eating petrified caravan guards

4 Galloping, leaving behind a trail of poison gas


1 The distant clatter of metal

2 Bovine hoofprints

3 The ground is torn up by hoofprints; trees are splintered and felled

4 Hoofprints; nearby are broken statues of humans or animals


Gorgons are most often found on wide open plains and rolling hills.

CR 5–10 gorgon

CR 11–16 2 gorgons ; gorgon with 1 to 3 basilisks or earth elementals

Monster Type Description

Monstrosities are magical beings usually native to the Material Plane. Some monstrosities combine the features of beasts and humanoids, like centaurs . Others have bizarre or unnatural appearances, like many-tentacled ropers . Monstrosities could only arise in a world suffused with magic.