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City of Brass Trap

nd tier (
(less than 1 hour)

Instead of a spellbook, the explosive runes are inscribed on a brass door etched with pictures of efreet strolling the streets of a vast metropolis. A creature that makes an Arcana or History check identifies the city as the City of Brass. Opening the door without speaking the passphrase “City of Brass” triggers a Failure.

Glyph. An Arcana, Investigation, or Perception check reveals that the sun symbol is a glyph of warding .

Spell Effect. This is an evocation effect created by a 3rd-level spell. Casting dispel magic on the sun symbol triggers a Critical Success.

Possible Solutions
  • A creature can make an Arcana or thieves’ tools check to disable the glyph.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure or Failure. The glyph explodes as the explosive runes version of a glyph of warding . Each creature within 20 feet of the glyph must make a Dexterity saving throw , taking 22 (5d8) fire damage on a failure or half damage on a success.

Success. The glyph is damaged. A second Success triggers a Critical Success.

Critical Success. The trap is disabled.