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Lightning Bolt Trap

nd tier (
(less than 1 hour)

A foot-tall lapis lazuli statuette of a dragon sits at the center of a copper-tiled floor.

A creature that steps on the floor within 10 feet of the statuette triggers a Failure.

Dragon Statue. The statue weighs 50 pounds and is not attached to the floor. It is worth 2,000 gp. The dragon’s mouth is open and directed towards the floor. A Perception check reveals a magical glyph of warding on the statuette.

If the statuette is knocked over or removed from the copper floor, the trap is disabled.

Spell Effect. This is an evocation effect created by a 3rd-level spell. A dispel magic spell cast on the statue disables the trap.

Possible Solutions
  • A creature can jump over the copper floor, landing on the other side of the floor or onto the statuette.
  • A creature can make a thieves’ tools check to create a safe path by prying up copper tiles.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure or Failure. A bolt of lightning arcs from the statue’s mouth to the copper floor. Each creature standing on any part of the copper floor must make a Dexterity saving throw , taking 28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failure or half damage on a success. Once the trap has been triggered, it is permanently disabled.

Success or Critical Success. The trap is not triggered.